1/13 Vocab Test Flashcards
Obdurate (adj)
Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action
Venerate (v)
Regard with great respect; revere
Penultimate (adj)
Next to last in a series of things; not last, but second to last
Nonpareil (n)
An unrivaled or matchless person or thing
Epicurean (adj)
Fond of or adopted to luxury or indulgence in earthly, sensual pleasures (eating or drinking in particular)
Abstemious (adj)
Not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking; having restraint
Callow (adj)
Lacking adult sophistication; immature
To make supremely happy; to declare to be among the blessed and entitled to local veneration
Bellicose (adj)
Favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars
Calumny (n)
A misrepresentation intended to harm another’s reputation; the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to harm another’s reputation
- harmful gossip
Antilogy (n)
A contradiction in terms or ideas that cannot resolve itself
- This statement is false is one
Archetype (n)
The original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies; a perfect example
Nominal (adj)
Trifling; insignificant; existing or being something in name or form only
Castigate (v)
To subject to severe punishment reproof, or criticism
Picayune (adj)
Of little value; petty; small - minded
Conflagration (n)
A large disastrous fire; a conflict of war
Pertinacity (n)
Adhering resolutely to an opinion purpose, or design, stubbornly tenacious
An inferior or bad poet