1 Flashcards
What is otalgia?
Ear pain
Which facial nerves are related to numbness?
What is loudness recruitment?
When sounds become rapidly loud due to cochlear impairment
What is impacted cerumen?
Earwax blocking the canal
How do you call swimmer’s ear?
External otitis
Perforated tympanic membrane
ruptured eardrum
Osteomas is
benign outgrowths of bone
Microtia is 
abnormal small/ deformed auricle
Atresia is
Absent ear canal
Impacted cerumen & ossicular discontinuity can lead to
up to 60 dB conductive HL
Perforated tympanic membrane can lead to
Flat/ mild conductive hearing loss
But excellent WRS
Treatment for perforated tympanic membrane
What is tympanometry?
Repair outer/inner layers
What is the cause of otitis media?
Otitis media can lead to
transient conductive HL in children