#1 Flashcards
Runway Length, Alternate, Weather + NOTAMS, Fuel, ATC, Takeoff Data
Sources of Weather Data
ForeFlight, Weather Briefings, FSS, AviationWeather.gov, 1800WxBrief.com
Cold System description
Rotates Clockwise, holds down upward development and prevents instability, stops weather by stopping uplifting of moisture, sinks, dense, cold, and fast
Warm System description
Rotates Counter Clockwise, Rises, hot, less dense, and slow. Fuel for energy release in atmosphere
Wind cause
Wind is caused by high pressure (Warm Air) flowing to low pressure air (cold air)
Cold Front defined
Cold air replaces warm air it pulls warm air up creating an unstable lifting force, which creates storms, squall lines, and wind shear.
Good Visibility Cause
Unstable Air
Bad Visibility Cause
Stable Air
Warm front defined
Warm front is overtaking cold air like a blanket, steady precipitation may occur from lifting over colder air, freezing rain possible if precipitation falls into colder pocket of air below warm front
Occluded Front Defined
Cold Front Overtakes warm front, happens around a high pressure area where warm air separated from pressure cyclone at the center and surface