09 - Would (Condicional) Flashcards


WOULD (Condicional)
Ahora aprenderemos la segunda del condicional: el PRESENT CONDITIONAL. Ej: If I were in Madrid I would buy a car. NOTA Clave: Es were xq no es pasado (estaba) es subjuntivo (estuviera) y en inglés el subjuntivo siempre es were (aunque se oye mucho was xo no es lo correcto 100%). TRUCO: Si el verbo to be en pasado va precedido x un IF > were!

Ya vimos el primero, el Future Conditional:
If it rains I won’t go.

Ejemplo condicional 2:

Si estuvieras aquí vendrías a clase
If you were here you would come to class

Más info sobre WOULD:
En sí mismo es como will no significa nada sólo afecta al verbo q le sigue:

Yo tendría
I would have

Veamos más variaciones, afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas:


A mí me gustaría
I would like

A ti te gustaría?
Would you like?

A mí no me gustaría
I wouldn’t like…
(Would + not = wouldn’t)

Trnasformemos el simple future al condicional:

I will call you
I would call you

I won’t understandi without help
I wouldn’t understand without help

Will you help me tomorrow?
Would you help me tomorrow?

How well did you know this?
Not at all