08112017_NewHorizons Flashcards
DAC keywords
Owner, DACL,
Labels are used for which access group
Constrained Interface
interface that limits or restricts what users can do
CDI, Transformation Procedures, Integrity Verification are used in ….
Clark Wilson for Integrity
This uses short path labels rather than longer network addresses. This high output throughput.
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
Which one of the following is based on Blowfish and helps protect against rainbow table
When straightforward hashing is used to store passwords in a password fi le, attackers may use
_____ ______ of precomputed values to identify commonly used passwords. Adding
salts to the passwords before hashing them reduces the effectiveness of this attack.
rainbow tables
The ____ contains provisions prohibiting the circumvention of copyright protection mechanisms.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
How might you map out the organizational needs for transfer to or establishment in a new facility?
Critical path analysis can be defined as the logical sequencing of a series of events such that planners and integrators possess considerable information for the decision-making process
________viruses use more than one propagation technique in an attempt to penetrate systems that defend against only one method or the other.
_____ , _______ and ______ are all vital procedures for ensuring effective and reliable security staffing because they verify the integrity and validate the suitability of said staffers.
Screening, bonding, and training