080082017_NewHorizons Flashcards
3D 2C PR
Directive , Detective ,Deterrent,Corrective , Compensate Preventive, Recovery
Risk response
Reduce or Mitigate
Reject or Ignore
Assign or Transfer
NIST SP 800-34 used for…
Business Continuity
NIST SP 800-34, 7 categories
Develop Policy
Identify Preventive Controls
Develop Recovery Strategies
Develop IT Contingency Plan
Plan for Testing
Plan for Maintenance
NIST SP 800-34,
7 categories
<p>Develop Policy BIA Identify Preventive Controls Develop Recovery Strategies Develop IT Contingency Plan Plan for Testing Plan for Maintenance</p>
<p>DR Testing that "tests alternate facility WITHOUT taking main site offline"</p>
<p>Parallel Testing</p>
<p>DR Testing that mimics an actual business disruption by SHUTTING DOWN the original site and testing operations at the alternate site</p>
<p>Full Interruption Testing</p>
<p>DR Testing: Planners and testers walk through the BCP to validate logical workflow of events</p>
<p>Walkthrough Testing</p>
<p>How often to review BCP</p>
<p>Yearly, update when evaluated, update for dept. changes</p>
<p>BCP exercise where staff role play from a conference room</p>
<p>IAAS, PAAS, SAAS examples</p>
<p>IAAS - Compute, Storage
SAAS - Email, Security
PAAS - Compute, OS, DB, All-In-One</p>
Consider doing these 3 things when evaluating a third party for security integration
<p>On-site walkthrough
Document Exchange and Review
Process/Policy Review</p>
ISO 27001
FRAMEWORK: information security management system
CMMI (2002)
Initial -Chaotic, Dependent on individual success
Repeatable - Can repeat process,Project Management,
Defined - Documentation of standards to be consistent
Managed - Quantitative
Optimize - Continuous improvement
CMMI - i stands for
Initial - Chaotic
CMMI - d stands for
Defined - Consistent, documented
CMMI - o stands for
Optimize - Continuous improvement
Which Role classifies data?
Data Owner
Two types of classification levels
Military Classification levels
Top Secret -Gave Damage
Secret - Serious Damage
Confidential - Damage
Unclassified - No damage