07 Optical Properties Flashcards
- Cite the wavelength range for visible light radiation.
400 (violet)-700nm(red)
- Note the relationship between the velocity of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum, and vacuum values of the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability.
c = 1/sqrt(ε0µ0)
c…speed of light in vacuum (300,000 km/s)
ε0 electric permittivity
µ0 magnetic permeability
- Given the velocity of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum as well as the radiation frequency, compute the radiation wavelength.
λ = c/f
- Define photon.
photon is a quantum unit of light
from a quantum-mechanical point of view, electromagnetic radiation is composed of photons - groups or packets of energy that are quantized - that is, they can have only specific values of energy
- Compute the energy of a photon given its frequency and the value of Planck’s constant.
- List three phenomena that may occur with light radiation as it passes from one medium into another.
- refraction (Licht-Brechung)
- reflection
- absorption
- transmission
- Cite distinctions between optical transparency, translucency, and opacity.
regarding the degree of light transmissivity, materials are classified as follows:
- transparent - light is transmitted through the material with very little absorption and reflection
- translucent - light is transmitted diffusely; there is some scattering within the interior of the material
- opaque - virtually all light is scattered or reflected such that none is transmitted through the material
- (a) Briefly describe electronic polarization that results from electromagnetic radiation-atomic interactions.
(b) Cite two consequences of electronic polarization.
a) electric field component of a light wave induces a shift of the electron cloud around an atom relative to its nucleus (e- cloud distorts)
- absorption
- refraction of light
- Briefly explain how electromagnetic radiation may be absorbed by electron transitions.
electromagnetic (em) radiation may be absorbed by causing the excitation of e- from one energy state to a higher state
- Briefly explain why metallic materials are opaque to visible light.
because of the absorption and then reemission of light radiation within a thin outer surface layer
absorption occurs via the excitation of e- from occupied energy states to unoccupied ones above the Fermi energy level. Reemission takes place by decay electron transitions in the reverse direction
- Note what determines the color of metallic materials.
the color of a metal is determined by the spectral decomposition of the reflected light i.e. of which type of em-frequencies the reflected light is composed of
- Define index of refraction.
light radiation experiences refraction in transparent materials - that is, its velocity is decreased, and the light beam is bent at the interface
indx of refraction = ratio of veolcity in vacuum c (or c0) to the velocity in the medium
n = c/v = c0/c
- Calculate the index of refraction for a material given values of its dielectric constant and relative magnetic permeability.
speed of light in the considered material v:
v = 1/sqrt(ε*µ)
ε, µ… elect. and magn. permeability of the material
εR = ε/ε0 >=1 …rel. electr. permittivity = dielectric constant
µR = µ/µ0 …rel. magn. permeability
n = c/v
- Note the influence of atomic/ionic size on index of refraction.
refrection is a consequence of electronic polarization of the atoms or ions
the larger an atom or ion, the greater the index of refraction
- Calculate the reflectivity at an interface for normally incident light given the indexes of refraction for the media on both sides of the interface.
reflectivity R := IR/I0
IR…intensity of the reflected beam
I0…intensity of the incident beam
for normally incident light we have:
R = [(n2-n1)/(n2+1)]^2
n1. ..index of refraction of medium 1 (where the beam is coming)
n2. ..index o. ref. of medium 2
in all other cases refer to Fresnel formulas
- For high-purity insulators and semiconductors:
(a) describe the mechanism of photon absorption;
(b) explain how the magnitude of the band gap energy influences photon absorption;
(c) cite band gap energy values for which there is no absorption of visible light radiation; and
(d) cite band gap energy values for which there is only partial absorption of visible light radiation.
pure nonmetallic materials are either intrinsically transparent or opaque:
a) see Fig: photon absorbtion results if a photon´s energy is sufficient to promote valence band -> conduction band elecron transitions
b) see Fig.
c) Eg > 3.1 eV (blue light, λmin = 400nm)
d) 1.8 eV < Eg < 3.1 eV partial absorption, material is colored
opacity results in relatively narrow band gap materials (Eg < 1.8 eV, red light λmax = 700nm)
- For insulators and semiconductors that contain electrically active defects:
(a) describe the mechanism of photon absorption;
(b) cite two decay paths that are possible as excited electrons return to their ground states.
a) photon absorbtion again happens via a valence-band-conduction band electron excitation, the impuritiy energy level from the defect lies within the band gap
- emission of two photons involving e- decay first into an impurity state (donor or acceptor state) and finally to the ground state
- generation of both a phonon (excitation of a periodic, elastic arrangement of atoms with an energy dE) and a photon as an excited e- falls first into an impurity level and finally back to its ground state
- Calculate the intensity of nonabsorbed radiation that passes through a transparent medium of specified thickness, given the intensity of nonreflected radiation incident on the front face, as well as the absorption coefficient for the particular medium.
- Determine the intensity of radiation that emerges from the back face of a transparent solid of specified thickness, given the intensity of radiation that impinges on the front face, and, in addition, values of the material’s reflectance and absorption coefficient.
- (a) Briefly explain why some semiconducting materials appear colored.
(b) Now explain the source of color in many insulating materials.
a) Because their band gaps are within the range of visible light 1.8eV to 3.1eV. Thus, the fraction of the visible light having energies greater than Eg is selectively absorbed by valence band -conduction band electron transitions. Some of this absorbed radiation is reemitted when e- falls back to ground state. This frequency is not necessarily the same as of the absorption. As a result, the color depends on the frequency distribution of both transmitted and reemitted light beams.
b) specific impurities introduce electron levels within the forbidden band gap. Light radiation is absorbed by valence band-conduction band electron transitions, some of which is then reemitted at spec. wavelengths as a consequence of e- transitions to and from these impurity levels. The non-absorbed or transmitted light mixed with reemitted light determines the color of the material.
- (a) For inherently transparent dielectric materials (e.g. glass, some plastics), note three sources of internal scattering that can lead to translucency and opacity.
(b) Briefly explain why internal scattering occurs for each of these sources.
- in polycrystalline materials that have anisotropic indices of refraction
- two-phase materials
- materials containing small pores
- highly crystalline polymers
b) because light beam experiences interior reflection and/or refraction e.g. anisotropic index of refraction in polycrystalline materials, grain boundaries give rise to refraction and reflexion
- Briefly explain why amorphous materials are normally transparent.
Highly amorphous materials, which means there are no crystalline phases, have little or no scattering and are therefore transparent.
- (a) Describe the phenomena of luminescence and electroluminescence.
(b) Distinguish between fluorescence and phosphorescence.
with luminescence, energy is absorbed as a consequence of electron excitations, which is subsequently reemitted as visible light
electroluminescence is the phenomenon by which light is emitted as a result of electron-hole recombination (annihilation = Vernichtung of the electron) events that are induced in a forward-biased diode
b) when light is reemitted less than 1s after excitation it´s called fluorescence (residence time in trapped state is rel. long >10^8s)
for longer reemission times, the term phosphorescence is used (residence times <10^8s)
Prof. Holl was not happy with this definition
- Briefly describe the phenomenon of photoconductivity.
is the phenomenon by which the electrical conductivity of some semiconductors may be enhanced by photo-induced electron transitions, by which additional free e- and holes are generated
used in photovoltaic cells
- Briefly describe the operation of a semiconductor light-emitting diode.
works with the phenomenon of electroluminescence
forward biased pn junction attracts e- on the n-side toward the junction, where some them pass into (“inject”) the p-side. Recombination occurs and the energy is in the form of photons of light.
- Briefly describe the construction of and operation of (a) the ruby laser, and (b) the semiconductor laser.
coherent and high-intensity light beams are produced in lasers by stimulated electron transitions
a) a beam is generated by e- that decay back into their ground Cr3+ states from metastable excited states (example of a pulsed laser)
The generation of one photon by the decay transition of an electron, induces the emission of other photons that are all in phase with one another. – This cascading effect produces an intense burst of coherent light.
b) beam results from the recombination of excited electrons in the conduction band with valence band holes

- List and describe the functions of various components for an optical fiber communications system.
- Explain the transmission of digitized signals through optical fibers.
interference-free, rapid, intense
- Note and briefly explain functions of the several components that are found in an optical fiber.
- a core through which the pulses of light propagate
- cladding, which provides for total internal reflection and containment of the light beam within the core
- coating, which protects the core and cladding from damage
- Explain what precautions are taken to minimize scattering and attenuation of a light beam that passes through an optical fiber.
extremely pure and high-quality fibers
no impurities or other defects that absorb, scatter and thus attenuate the light beam
no bubbles and surface defects
presence of Cu, Fe, and Va is detrimental (schädlich), reduce concentration to several ppb
core roundness is critical, extremely tight tolerances