06 Instrument Landing System (ILS) Flashcards
What are the components of an ILS?
- Localiser
- Glide Slope
- Markers (usually)
- DME (co-located)
What frequency range does an ILS Localiser work at?
108 to 112 MHz
On an ILS, what does a Localiser provide?
Localiser provides Lateral Guidance (Asometh Guidance)
On an ILS, what does a Glide Path provide?
a Glide Path provides vertical guidance
For an ILS system, where are the Localiser and the Glide Path antenna’s located?
- Localiser antenna is located at the (far) end of the runway
- Glide Path antenna is located 300 meters from the start of the runway (i.e. the touchdown point)
For an ILS, what is the principle of operation of the Localiser?
- Antenna placed at the end of the runway emitting a radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90Hz and 150Hz signal
- Left ‘lobe’ at 90 MHz
- Right ‘lobe’ at 150 MHz
- AC can determine its alignment to the centre of the RW by measuring the depth of modulation from each signal
- The difference will be 0 directly down the centre of the RW
For an ILS, what course deviation do the following indicate for the ‘Localiser’?
- Full scale deflection
- Half scale deflection
- Full scale deflection is at 2.5 degrees
- Half scale deflection is at 1.5 degrees
- Assuming a 5 dot indicator, each dot represents 0.5 degrees
For an ILS Localiser, what is the purpose of having a ‘protected zone’?
By locking on to the localiser within the protected zone, it guarantees that the AC will not be effected by lateral lobe interference (fake lobes)
What are the dimensions of the protected zone for an ILS Localiser?
- A cone of 10 degrees from the centre line out to a distance of 25nm
- A cone either side of the centre cone of 35 degrees from the centre line with a distance of 17nm
For an ILS, what is the principle of operation of the Glide Path?
- Antenna is placed 300m from the start of the RW (touchdown point)
- Produces a radiation pattern which is amplitude modulated by a 90Hz and 150Hz signal
- Top one is at 90Hz
- Bottom one is at 150Hz
- AC measures the depth of modulation for each lobe and calculates the difference in depth of modulation between them
- Where this is 0 (i.e. directly between the two lobes) is the ideal Glide Path
For an ILS, what does each ‘dot’ on the course deviation indicator for the ‘Glide Path’?
- One ‘dot’ is a 0.14 degree deflection
- Full scale deflection is at 0.7 degrees
For an ILS, what is the horizontal coverage of the Glide Path?
Up to 8 degrees from the lateral central line and up to a distance of 10nm
For an ILS, name the following for the Marker Beacons:
- Name/location
- Colour
- Range to touchdown
- Modulation frequency
- Pitch
- Ident
Inner Marker:
- White
- 75 to 150m
- 3000Hz
- High
- 6 dots/sec
Middle Marker:
- Amber
- 1050m
- 1300Hz
- Medium
- Alternating dots/dashes, 2 dots and 6 dashes per sec
Outer Marker:
- Blue
- 6.5 to 11.1 km
- 400Hz
- Low
- 2 dashes/sec
What is the calculation for the Rate of Descent?
ROD (fpm) = Theta x Ground Speed (nm/min) x 100
Where Theta is the glide path angle
What is the equation for the Height Passing?
Height Passing (ft) = Theta x Range from touchdown (nm) x 100
At what thresholds will an ILS take action in the event of an error?
Action will be taken if:
- Localiser mean course shifts by:
~ CAT 1: +-35ft
~ CAT 2: +-25ft
~ CAT 3: +- 10ft - Glide slope changes by 0.075 Theta (glide slope angle)
- Reduction in transmission power exceeds 50%
For an ILS, what is the vertical coverage of the Glide Path?
- Between 0.45 x Theta and 1.75 x Theta
- Where Theta is the glide slope
What sort of approach is an ILS approach?
Precision approach
What frequency does an ILS Glide Slope work at?
- 328 to 335 MHz
- UHF band
What frequency do ILS markers work at?
75 MHz
How can you determine the difference between a VOR signal and an ILS signal?
- ILS signals and VOR signal share some of the same frequencies (ILS: 108 to 112MHz, VOR: 108 to 118MHz)
- An ILS will have an odd number after the decimal (xxx.yx where y will be odd)
To what level above the runway do the following Category ILS glide slopes provide?
- CAT 1
- CAT 2
- CAT 3
- CAT 1: 200ft above the RW
- CAT 2: 50ft above the RW
- CAT 3: surface of the RW
An ILS glide slope is usually intercepted at what distance?
3 to 10 nm