06 Design principles Flashcards
What are design principles?
Design principles stem from different disciplines including advertising, architecture, and software development
Using design principles as reference points will increase the probability that your designs and software will be successful
Design principles are proven guidelines and rules for effective design
What is a product if users are able to figure out what it does and how to use it just by looking at it?
What are visual clues that tell us how something should be used?
Symbols used for media players, are a good example of what?
Which law states that it is faster to hit a large target that is closer to you, than a small target that is further away?
Fitts’s Law
Presenting users with information gradually and only as it is needed, is known as what?
Progressive disclosure
Providing users with information before taking a test helps users to do what?
Make a risk-reward evaluation
The Blackberry Z10’s usability issues can be considered an example that supports?
t is not impossible to create new conventions, but it is difficult to get right
What law states that the time it takes to make a decision depends on the number of options available?
Hick’s law
What are design prinicples?
- Universal truths
- Apply across diciplines
- Increase probability of sucess
What are design patterns?
- Spesific methods/approaches
- Bring principles to life
- Spesific to software
Why is predictability so important?
We make risk.reward assesment all the time with out most valuable asset: TIME. Giving people more information so that they are able to make a proper assesment usually has a higher sucess rate.
How do you make it predicatble to the user?
Tell them how long it takes
What they need to do
What they are going to get
What happens next
What are affordances?
Affordances are visual clues that tell us how a product or controlshould be used or operated - example - buttons (something about them is askking them to be pushed)
What does affordances do?
Make it obvious how a product works
Make it clear what to do next
Assist learnability
What are conventions?
Conventions are established ways of doing things and in software design - conventions are established interface patterens. They are powerful becayse people know how to use them - and you are not asking users to learn something new
What is feedback?
Feedback confirms actions, encourages users to continiue and it clearifies what they can do next
What are constraints?
Having constraints is like showing only numeric letters when in a phone field - it makes it easier to fill iy out and harder to make mistakes
why is forgivness so important?
humans will always make mistakes. instead of punishing it should forgive us an make amends
What are some of the characteristics of a forgiving product?
If offers strong affordances that indicate what we should do, it allows us to reverseour actions letting us undo any mistakes we do make, and asks us to confirm what we´re about to do
How can a software be forgining?
strong affordnaces (show us how to use it) reversability of actions confirmations warnings help
What is hicks law?
It suggest that the time it takes to make a decision depends on the number of options presented. Essentially the more oprions presented the longer it takes to decide what to do.
What is fitts law?
States that it is faster to hit larger targets that are closer to you than to hit smaller targerts that are further away (for example a big button the bottom of the screen is closer to you)
What is progressive disclosure?
Dont expose users to all information all of the time - just tell them what they need to know - when they need to know it.
How can your design be progressive?
Dont present all the information all of the time
Reduce complexity
Only present necceary information
What are the benefits of progressive disclosure?
Prevents information overload
Helps users make decisions and take action
Smoothens the flow