05.10 Flashcards
aether, aetheris, m.
upper air, heavens, sky
Africus, Africi, m.
the stormy Southwest wind
agmen, agmininis, m.
army, column of soldiers
cavus, cava, cavum
contingit, contingere, contintigit (impers verb + infinitive or indirect statement)
to happen, be the good fortune of
creber, crebra, crebrum
thick, frequent
cuspis, cuspidis, f.
duplex, duplicis (adj)
double, both
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusus
to pour out
Eurus, Euri, m.
East wind
iaceo, iacere, iacui
to lie, lie dead
impello, impellere, impuli, impulsus
to drive, hit
imus, ima, imum
ingemo, ingemere, ingemui
to groan, lament
intono, intonare, intonui
mico, micare, micavi, micatus
to gleam, twinkle, flash
Notus, Noti, m.
South wind
oppeto, oppetere, oppetivi, oppetitus
to meet, encounter, (with mortem) die
perflo, perflare, perflavi, perflatus
to blow over
polus, poli, m.
pole (of earth or heavens), sky, heavens
praesens, praesentis (adj)
present, instant
procella, procellae, f.
storm, squall
qua (adv)
rudens, rudentis, m.
rope, rigging
sidus, sideris, n.
constellation, pl. heavens
ubi (conj)
as soon as
velut (adv)
as, as if, just as