05 Technology Flashcards
What determines the level/adoption of technology in a country?
- R&D.
- Cross-country spillovers.
- Barriers to technology transfer.
The majority of R&D is performed by the private sector, but the goverment is important to ___
The majority of R&D is performed by the private sector, but the goverment is important to provide the right incentives (patent systems etc.).
How is technology different than physical and human capital?
- Technology is (mostly) about ideas and knowledge.
- Instructions for mixing together raw materials (labor and capital).
- Can be used over and over again (non-rival).
- Partly non-excludable.
- No diminishing returns
- Without legal framework, zero private incentives to innovate but large returns for society
A patent gives the owner the right to produce, use and sell the invention for a period of time (typically 20 years) −→ Temporary monopoly.
The patent office requires:
That the invention is novel and non-obvious.
Have technical characteristics (not abstract ideas, laws of nature, etc.)
Examples: Pharma, computer technology, zippers, cheese slicer (1925), fertilizer (1903).
Challenges with patents
- Firm charges too high prices - limiting benefits of new technology.
- May reduce R&D incentives: Costly to copy and build on existing technology.
- Patent wars between Apple, Nokia, Microsoft, Google, Samsung ++
- E.g. Apple suing Samsung for similar icons for apps.
Patent trolls:
- Firms collecting patents with no intention of using them.
- E.g. Personal Audio LLC patenting “podcasts” in 2012.
Alternatives to patents
- Secrecy (Coca Cola)
- Open source (Linux, fashion design)
- Public R&D (e.g. for global problems such as AIDS)
Relevant questions regarding technology and growth
What is the effect of more R&D on growth?
If technology is partly non-rival, what are the consequences for poor countries?
Closed economy framework for looking at technology and growth
LY workers employed in manufacturing.
LA workers employed in R&D.
L = LY + LA
Define γA = LA/L - the share employed in R&D.
Production function
Y = AL<sub>Y</sub> = A(1 - γ<sub>A</sub>)L y = A(1 - γ<sub>A</sub>) (intensive form)
Higher A -> higher GDP per capita
Higher γA (more R&D workers) -> Lower GDP per capita
Technical change
Assume that % growth in A,
Aˆ = LA / μ
More R&D workers −→ higher growth.
Parameter μ−1 determines how effective R&D is.
Aˆ = LA / μ = γA L / μ
Recall output is
y = A(1 − γA)
If no change in γA, then growth is
yˆ = Aˆ = γA L / μ
Higher growth when
- Higher share R&D workers γA.
- Higher R&D efficiency μ−1.
- Larger population (why?).
Effect of shifting labor into R&D
Output per worker decreases in the short run, increases in the long run.

Open economy framework for looking at technology and growth:
Model and assumptions
Countries 1 & 2.
L1 = L2 = L, γA1 > γA2 and A1 > A2.
Technological progress through innovation (country 1) or imitation (country 2).
Production functions
y<sub>1</sub> = A<sub>1</sub>(1 − γ<sub>A1</sub>) y<sub>2</sub> = A<sub>2</sub>(1 − γ<sub>A2</sub>)
The cost of imitation is
μ2 = f(A1 / A2)
μ2 < μ1 (imitation cheaper than innovation).
f’ < 0 (imitation cheaper if the technology gap is large).
Boundary conditions:
μ2 → 0 when A1/A2 →∞
μ2 → μ1 when A1/A2→1.
Open economy framework for looking at technology and growth:
Imitation costs
μ2 = f(A1 / A2)

Open economy framework for looking at technology and growth:
Steady state
Aˆ 1 = Aˆ 2
γA1 L / μ1 = γA2 L / μ2
μ2 = f(A1 / A2) = (γA2 / γA1) μ1
Relative level of productivity determined by fundamendal factors γA1, γA2, μ1.

Open economy framework for looking at technology and growth:
More R&D workers in follower country: Growth rate
γA2 ↑ → 2 growing faster → imitation costlier → growth slows until Aˆ1 = Aˆ2 .

Open economy framework for looking at technology and growth:
More R&D workers in follower country: Productivity and output
γA2 ↑ → Short-term increase in 2’s productivity growth rate.
γA2 ↑ → Short-term fall in 2’s output.

Barriers to technology transfer
- Tacit knowledge: Not all knowledge can be codified
- Skill/capital-biased technical change
Tacit knowledge
- Description of patents not always sufficient.
- Learning by doing.
- Michael Polanyi (1958): light bulb factory in Hungary vs Germany.
- Enormous productivity differences with same technology and
Capital-biased technical change
Higher A only benefits high k and h countries

Neutral technical change

Living standard ______ from year 1 to 1820
Living standard rose by _____ over the next 200 years
Living standard doubled from year 1 to 1820
Living standard rose by 20x over the next 200 years
The industrial revolution
- The period 1760-1830 in Great Britain and later continental Europe and North America.
- Rapid technological change across a wide range of industries. In particular:
- Efficiency improvements in
- textiles production
- iron production
- Invention of the steam engine.
- Energy: Switch from wood to coal as source of energy.
- Efficiency improvements in
Why is
A^= LA / μ
not satisfactory?
- As technology becomes more advanced, new innovation becomes increasingly more difficult (“fishing out effect”).
- Decreasing returns to scale: A doubling of LA does not double the growth rate Aˆ
Possible solution / extension:
Here, in steady state, productivity growth can only occur with continuous expansion of the R&D sector.