05: Gas Exchange & Transport Flashcards
- PaO2 < 90mmHg
- May cause tissue hypoxia, dyspnea
Determinants of CO2 transfer (VCO2)
- CO2 is highly soluble in tissue
- 20x more than O2
- Even in presence of lung dz, VCO2 preserved (except severe lung dz)
V/Q ratio
- Lung dz causes change in V and/or Q within diseased alveoli
- V/Q ratio determines alveolar PO2 within a single alveolus, thus alveolar PO2 is a meausre of alveolar health
Alveolar health
- Healthy: V/Q = 0.8 to 1, alveolar PO2 = 100mmHg
- Sick: V/Q < 0.8 or > 1.0, alveolar PO2 =/= 100mmHg
Causes of impaired gas exchange
- Impaired diffusion
- Abnormal V/Q ratio
- Areas of low V/Q
- R-to-L shunt
- Clinically identified by AaDO2 > 10 mmHg
The Alveolar Gas Equation
PAO2 = PiO2 - (PACO2/R)
Assumes “perfect” alveoli (pulmonary capillary PO2 equilibriates w/ alveolar PO2, arterial PO2 = alveolar PO2, alveolar PO2 determined by PiO2 and alveolar ventilation)
Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction (HPV)
- Low alveolar PO2 (low V/Q) –> local arteriolar vasoconstriction
- Directs blood flow away from under-ventilated lung units (match Q to low V)
- May cause pulmonary vascular resistance
Hypocapneic bronchoconstriction
- Low alveolar PCO2 (high V/Q due to low Q) –> local bronchoconstriction
- Directs ventilation away from underperfused lung units (decreases V to match low Q)
Right-to-left shunt
- Two types
- Intrapulmonary: perfused lung units aren’t ventilated (V/Q = 0)
- Extrapulmonary: ASD, VSD, PDA
- Shunting de-O2 blood directly to pulmonary veins or arterial circulation
- PCO2 = PO2 of mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) blood = 40mmHg
- Leads to hypoxemia that is not responsive to high PiO2 (supplemental O2)
Diffusing Capacity of Carbon Monoxide
DLCO = rate of CO transfer / partial pressure CO in alveolar space
- Low DLCO + abnormal PFTs
- Disease affecting alveoli
- Emphysema
- Interstitial lung disease
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary edema
- Exception = pure airway dz (e.g., asthma)
- Disease affecting alveoli
- Low DLCO + normal PFTs
- Anemia (low [Hb])
- Carboxyhemoglobinemia (HbCO)
- Pulmonary vascular disease
- Early lung disease (DLCO decreases before spirometry)
- High DLCO
- Increased pulmonary blood volume
- Obesity
- Supine position
- L-R shunt
- Very mild heart failure
- Alveolar hemorrhage
- Increased pulmonary blood volume
Arterial Oxyhemoglobin Saturation
Normal 97-100%
Abbreviated as SaO2 (ABG) or SpO2 (pulse oximeter)
Hb-bound O2 content = Hb x SO2 x binding capacity
(in arterial blood, CaO2= 15 x 1 x 1.34 = 20.1 mL O2 per dL blood)
CO2 content in blood
- 3% bound to Hb (carbaminohemoglobin)
- 5% dissolved in plasma
- 92% bicarbonate
Oxygen delivery to tissues
D.O2 = CO x CaO2
Management of hypoxemia
- Nasal cannula: up to 6L/min, for mild to moderate hypoxemia, “high-flow” cannula can deliver up to 40L/min
- Simple Face Mask: up to 10L/min
- Non-Rebreather Face Mask: up to 15L/min
- Venturi Mask: up to 50% FiO2
Long-term O2 therapy
- Indicated for chronic hypoxemia:
- PaO2 < 55mmHg (or SpO2 = 88%)
- PaO2 56-59 mmHg (or SpO2 = 89%) plus:
- Hematocrit > 55%
- Cor pulmonale (abn. enlargement of R. heart)
- Dependent edema
- Risks:
- Retinopathy of prematurity
- Oxidative lung injury: FiO2 > 60% for more than a few days
- Fire
- Worsening hypercapnia