05 Development of Dentition Flashcards
When does the calcification of the primary teeth begin?
3.5-4.5 months after conception
The first teeth to erupt are the mandibular centrals, what age?
6-7 months
What tooth is the last to erupt? What month does this happen?
Maxillary 2nd Molar (AJ)
26 months
Which dentition shows less variability
The primary occlusion changes in order to adapt to these two things
Skeletal growth
Occlusal wear
At what stages of dental calcification and development are girls more advanced than boys?
All stages
When do teeth start to move occlusally
Not until crown formation is complete
What physical characteristic of teeth is determined genetically
Tooth size
There are relationships between these three genetically related conditions
Dental agenesis
Delayed development
Diminished size of teeth
Which condition is more likely:
Congenitally missing teeth or Supernumerary teeth?
Congenitally missing
Are congenitally missing teeth more likely in boys or girls
Are changes in the width of the dental arch timed more closely to dental development or skeletal growth?
Dental development
When does dental arch circumference decrease?
During the late transitional and early permanent dentition
What surfaces are determinant factors in the initial permanent molar occlusion?
Distal of primary 2nd molars
Which teeth show the greatest variability in development
3rd moalrs
What is the order of calcification of primary teeth?
A, B, C, D, E
What is ABCDE
A = Centrals B = Laterals C = Canines D = First Molars E = 2nd Molars
In what order do the cusps of posterior teeth calcify?
How many calcification centers are there in anterior teeth
Which tooth erupts at 6 months
Mn Centrals
Eruption = 7 Months
Mn Lats
Eruption = 7.5 Months
Mx Centrals
Eruption = 9 Months
Mx Lats
Eruption = 12 Months
Mn 1st Molar
Eruption = 14 Months
Mx 1st Molar
Eruption = 16 Months
Mn Canine
Eruption = 18 Months
Mx Canine
Eruption = 20 Months
Mn 2nd Molar
Eruption = 24 Months
Mx 2nd Molar
Initiation times for permanent Centrals, Lats, Canines, 1st PMs
5 months IU
Initiation times for 2nd Premolars
10 months PP
Initiation times for 1st Molars
20 weeks IU
Initiation times for 2nd molars
12 months PP
Initiation times for 3rd molars
5 years PP
What is the length of time for root completion for primary teeth?
18 months Post eruption
What is the length of time for root completion for permanent teeth
3 years post eruption
What is the range of eruption times for primary teeth
6 months to 24-36 months