04.28 Flashcards
triple alliance
between austria hungary, italy and germany to prevent france from posing as a threat to european peace
why did ww1 start
heir to austria-hungary throne and his wife assasinated by serbian, didn’t want to negotiate, war began— european nations took sides
central powers
- germany and austria-hungary
- italy joined soon after
allied powers
great britatin, france, russia, japan, serbia
schliffen plan
attacking + defeating france in west, rushing to east for russia
paris peace conference
held after defeat of central powers to set peace terms
wilson’s 14 points
- end to secret treaties
- freedom of seas
- free trade
- reduced national armies/ navies
- fairness towards the colonial people
- changing borders/ creating new nations
- a general association of nations that would protect big and small states alike
league of nations
founded in the paris peace conference
put all the war blame on germany
ultimately failed, US didn’t join
treaty of versailles
ended world war 1
all the war blame pushed onto germany
took away many rights on war weapons
triple entente
france britain and russia
revolutionary movements in russia
- proletariat: workers would rule the country
- bolsheviks: supported small number of committed revolutionaries willing to do anything for change
- lenin : leader
mensheviks: more moderate, broad base of popular support
- lenin : leader
bolshevik revolution
- workers stormed palace, arrested guards and government officials
- all farmland was to be evenly distributed amongst peseants
leaders used indoctrination, terror, propeganda, censorship, and religious or ethnic persecution
Postwar Europe
- Europe was introduced to a democracy for the first time
- many were not used to this, and as a result failed to establish a central government
- established a coalition government : temporary alliance of several parties to form parliamentary majority
- frequent changes in government made it hard to get anything done— many resorted to authoritarian rule
Weimar government
attempted democratic gov for germany
germans hated the idea, blamed all their mishaps on it
stock market crash
due to uneven distribution in wealth
the rich who owned companies got richer
the poor stopped buying
extreme form of nationalism
unlike communists, fascists don’t seek a classless society
mussolini lead fascist party in italy
gained popularity after great depression, when germans wanted a secure leader
nazist banned all other political parties
used media as propaganda
jews used as scapegoats
kaisers blank cheque
from germany to austria hungary
lending their complete support to austria hungary
austro hungarian ultimatum
austro hungary offered serbia 10 points in exchange for no war
serbian reply to ultimatum
agreed to some points, disagreed to other unreasonable or unattainable ones
states that if austro hungary were to still decline their offers, war will proceed
albert 1 urges belgian people to resist
urging belgian people to quit fighting for those in power who abuse their power— at the end of the day, they’re the ones dead while the ones in power bask in glory
treaty of london
secretly brought italy into ww1
zimmerman telegram
germany makes a proposal with mexico
if the us were to join the war, mexico would support germany in exchange for land
treaty of brest litvosk
Russia recognized the independence of Ukraine, Georgia and Finland
gave up land to central powers