04 - Tracking Foundations und Optical Tracking Flashcards
Warum braucht man Tracking Systeme?
Die Idee der Tracking systeme ist es die Position und Orientierung eines reelen Objekts zu messen, um virtuelle Objekte besser mappen zu können
Für was wird Tracking in der AR verwendet?
- Augmentations anzeigen
- Interaktion
- Lokalisation vom User und Device
Welche Arten von Tracking gibt es in der AR?
- Tracken von Objekten
- Tracken von Features
- Tracken der Kameraposition
Was gehört in der AR noch zum Tracking?
Calibration und Registration
Welche Trackingsysteme werden nur wenig in AR, dafür vermehrt in VR verwendet?
- Mechanische
- Magnetische
- Akustische
Welche generellen Registrierungsprobleme gibt es?
In AR objects of real and virtual world have to be aligned with respect to each other
Humans are very sensible to visual errors
Registration issues in VR are harder to detect, basically one of the causes of cybersickness (visual-kinaesthetic and visual-proprioceptive conflict)
Visual capture decreases the issues related to registration errors in VR
Errors of a few pixels offset on the other hand are easily detectable in AR applications
Welche statischen Fehler gibt es bei der Registrierung?
Registration error if the viewpoint and the environment remain still
Optical distortion - if camera tracking is used
Errors in the tracking system - mechanical misalignments or offset of tracker and head
Incorrect viewing parameters - Field Of View (FOV) - Interpupillary distance (IPD) -> Abstand zwischen Augen, muss mitberücksichtigt werden
Welche dynamischen Fehler gibt es bei der Registrierung und was kann man dagegen tun?
Registration error during viewpoint and/or environment movement
Delays or lags
Overcoming dynamic errors
Reduce system lag - efficient algorithms and parallel computation
Reduce apparent lag - simplification of scenes
Match temporal streams - use of video information gathered from optical tracking
Predict future locations - help of accelerometers –prediction based on sensor speed and orientation (Wo wird sich User hinbewegen? Dann werden dafür vorberechnungen durchgeführt
Was ist Jitter?
Zittern bei der Latenz
Welche Jitter Fehler gibt es bei der Registrierung und was kann man dagegen tun?
Depending on used library even with static markers and static camera virtual objects could jump
Multiple reasons exist
Discretisation in the rasterisation process (optical tracking)
Jitter can be avoided through smoothing algorithms
Detection of larger jumps could point to an error
Potential solution
If 3rd measurement is in range of 1st measurement interpolation of 2nd could be performed by using 1st and 3rd measurement as base
Was ist Inertial Tracking und wie ist es aufgebaut?
Typically consists of 2 components
Gyroscopic compass
Often used in combination with other tracking technology to provide additional information (e.g., optical, acoustic)
Was sind Vorteile von Interial Tracking?
No stationary tracking
Useful in large indoor areas where no other tracking is possible (e.g., buildings, caves)
- Kann verwendet werden wenn kein anderes Trackingsystem möglich ist
Was sind Nachteile von Intertial Tracking?
Accumulating position errors
Orientation stays precise if compasses are used
Wie funktioniert dabei das Intertiall Sensing?
Provides information about relative transformations of a target
Attempt to conserve either a given axis of rotation as in the case of a mechanical gyroscope or a position as in the case of an accelerometer
Mechanical gyroscope
A system based on the principle of conservation of the angular momentum
It states that an object rotated at high angular speed in the absence of external moments, conserves its angular momentum
If torque is exerted on a spinning mass, its axis of rotation will precess at right angles to both itself and the axis of exerted torque
Wie funktioniert das Intertial Sensing mit Accelerometer?
Measures the linear acceleration of an object to which it is attached to
Actually measures the force exerted on a mass since we cannot measure acceleration directly
Uses a known mass (proof mass) attached to a spring
Other end is attached to the accelerometers casing
If no force is applied, spring is in rest position
If force on the casing is applied, inertia causes mass to move and extend or compress spring
The displacement of the mass and extension/compression of the spring is proportional to the acceleration of the housing
Types of measurement sensors are potentiometric and piezoelectric
Wie funktioniert das Intertial Sensing mit Accelerometer?
Measures the linear acceleration of an object to which it is attached to
Actually measures the force exerted on a mass since we cannot measure acceleration directly
Uses a known mass (proof mass) attached to a spring
Other end is attached to the accelerometers casing
If no force is applied, spring is in rest position
If force on the casing is applied, inertia causes mass to move and extend or compress spring
The displacement of the mass and extension/compression of the spring is proportional to the acceleration of the housing
Types of measurement sensors are potentiometric and piezoelectric
Wie können beim Inertial Tracking Accelerometers und Gyroscpoes kombiniert werden?
Mechanical sensing
Placement on a gimbal locked surface
Was sind die Vorteile von kombiniertem Inertial Tracking?
Provides 6DOF acceleration and orientation measurement
Be always aware of the accumulative error
Measurements are always relative to last position
Can be a useful addition to other tracking technologies to increase the precision
Was ist GPS und wie wird es verwendet?
Originally military development
Now widely used in civil sector (e.g., navigation systems, precision farming, hiking, biking, geocaching)
Wie funktioniert GPS?
Satellites constantly send position and time values
Overlap of three spheres results in two points (one in space and one earth)
In theory reception of signals from three to four satellites required for trilateration and clock precision
Welche Frequenzen werden von GPS verwendet?
L1 – CA Coarse/acquisition
L2 – PY Precision/encrypted