04: Scripture Flashcards
What was the Reformers stance on ultimate authority?
The ultimate autority belonged to the Scriptures.
“Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. May God help me. Amen.”
What was the Roman Catholic dual-source of revelation?
Biblical authority stands under the authority of the church and its tradition.
- Tradition both
- interprets Scripture
- and is a source of revelation
What was the reformers response to Rome’s dual-source of authority view?
- Church and Tradition are subordinate authorities to Scripture
- Scripture alone bears divine authority (sola scriptura)
- Experience and reason were affirmed, but also under the authority of Scripture
What is inspiration?
θεοπνεύστος, God-breathed, the product of the expired breath of God.
What is inspired speech?
A word that originates from and is commissioned by God.
- Balaam - he could only speak what was given to him
- Prophets - a sense of compulsion to speak was common.
God is the initiator.
Recite Amos 3:8
The lion has roared, who will not fear?
The LORD God has spoken; who can but prophesy?
Recite Jeremiah 20:9
If I say, “I will not mention him,
or speak any more in his name,”
there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in,
and I cannot.
Does the term inspiration refer to the mode of production or the product?
Other than the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit upon the writers, there is almost no indication of the process of how God has operated in producing them.
What is the point of the doctrine of inspiration?
God is the source of Scripture, which is a verbal extension of his character.
What two views are there for the extent of inspiration?
- Plenary Inspiration - Scripture is authoritative in all parts. No canon within the canon.
- Verbal Inspiration - the very words are inspired, not merely ideas or doctrines.
What is an authority?
Someone or something that possesses the competence, expertise, and reliability that entitles them to be believed and their words accepted.
How is authority viewed in western culture?
Any submission to forces outside of the self is slavery and oppresion. No one has the right to dictate, coerce or make demands upon the autonomous individual.
How does the NT describe the believers in relation to Christ?
As redeemed slaves under the kingship of Christ.
How is submission understood biblically?
The key to true freedom, which is not defined as being masterless, but by having the right master.
How is the authority of Scripture to be understood?
- Not to be separated from the content and purpose of Scripture.
- The authority of its story, because the Bible is not primarily a book of timeless doctrines or moral laws.
What are the marks of Scripture?
- Necessity - necessary to illuminate the way of life
- Infallibility
- Truthfullness - it cannot err
- Faithfullness - it cannot deceive or mislead
- Sufficiency - it contains everything necessary for the purpose for which it was written: to lead us to Christ
- Perspicuity (clarity) - that which is necessary for salvation is available in Scripture by use of ordinary means
- Finality - it is a complete revelation of the redemptive works and intention of God in Jesus Christ. Closed canon.
What does Sufficiency does not mean?
- That the believer does not need other sources of knowledge in various areas of his life
- That all true theological propositions are necessarily predicated upon some biblical text
What was the purpose to include Perspicuity in the marks of Scripture?
To protect the church from the necessary mediation of a priesthood.
What does the Perspicuity mark does not mean?
That the Bible does not need to be interpreted
What are the caveats in the Continualist stance on prophecy?
- No extra-biblical revelation may violate the finality of Scripture
- It cannot supplant or call into question any biblical teaching
- It cannot be binding upon the conscience of the people of God
- Extra-biblical revelation must come under the rule of Scripture and the good order of creation
- Extra-biblical revelation must always be open to correction. It is not infallible.