04. Physics Key Terms (Trilogy) Flashcards
What is defined by “The rate of change of velocity or the change of velocity per second” (in metres per second per second, m/s2).
The number of unstable atoms that decay per second in a radioactive source.
What is meant by the activity of a radioactive sample?
Alpha radiation
The type of radiation which is composed of two protons and two neutrons, emitted by unstable nuclei?
Alternating current
The type of electrical current in a circuit that repeatedly changes its direction?
In a transverse wave, the maximum height of a wave crest or trough from the rest position is called?
Angle of incidence
Angle between the incident ray and the normal is called?
Angle of reflection
Angle between the reflected ray and the normal is called?
Atomic number
The number of protons (which equals the number of electrons) in an atom. It is sometimes called the proton number or it is called?
Beta radiation
Name of the emitted radiation which is composed of high energy electrons created in and emitted from, unstable nuclei?
Name given to any fuel taken from living or recently living materials, such as animal waste?
Boiling point
The temperature at which a pure substance boils or condenses?
Boyle’s Law
The law which describes that, for a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, its pressure multiplied by its volume is constant? (pV = constant)
Braking distance
The distance travelled by a vehicle during the time it takes for its brakes to act?
Carbon neutral
A biofuel from a living organism that takes in as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as is released when the fuel is burned?
Name given to the area which describe the particles close together while a longitudinal wave passes through it?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Describe what is meant by the conservation of energy.
In a closed system, the total momentum before an event is equal to the total momentum after the event, provided no external forces act on the objects during the interaction.
Describe what is meant by the conservation of momentum.
Geiger counter (geiger-muller tube)
Device which is used to measure the count rate of a sample?
Defined as the rate of change of the velocity of an object slowing down?
What term is defined as its mass per unit volume of a substance?
Name of a non-ohmic conductor that only allows current to flow in one direction once a PD over 0.6V is applied? It has a much higher resistance in its reverse direction than its forward direction.
Direct current
Name of a supply where the electric current in a circuit is only in one direction?
The line of best fit is a straight diagonal line through the origin.
If two variables are directly proportional to each other, how can you tell from the graph?
Vector name given to the distance travelled in a given direction?
Driving force or engine force
Name of the force of a vehicle that makes it move (sometimes referred to as motive force)?
Earth wire
The wire in a mains cable used to connect the metal case of an appliance back to the socket incase of a fault?
Name given to the reflection of sound that can be heard?
Name given to the ratio of the useful energy transferred by a device ÷ total energy supplied to the device?
Elastic behaviour
Name given to the type of behaviour demonstrated by an object which is able to regain its shape after it has been squashed or stretched and the force is removed?
The name of the device which consists of an insulated wire wrapped round an iron bar that becomes magnetic when there is a current in the wire?
Electromagnetic induction
The name of the process of inducing a potential difference in a wire by moving the wire so it cuts across the lines of force of a magnetic field?
Electromagnetic spectrum
The continuous spectrum of waves, with similar properties but ranging wavelengths and frequencies is called?
Name of the negatively charged particles that move around the nucleus of an atom?
The name of the term beginning with “U”, given to the interval within which the true value can be expected to lie with in a measurement taken, eg “the temperature is 20 °C ± 2°C”?
The increase in length of a spring (or a strip of material) from its original length when a force is applied is called?
Fleming’s left hand rule
The name of a rule that gives the direction of the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field according to the directions of the current and the field?
A term which is measured in Newtons?
Force multiplier
Name given to an example of a lever used so that a small force can be used to increase the force applied to the object (i.e. a bottle opener)?
Free body force diagram
Name of the diagram that shows all the forces acting on an object (without any other objects or forces shown)?
Freezing point
The temperature at which a pure substance turns from a liquid to a solid?
The number of wave cycles passing a fixed point every second is called?
Hertz, Hz.
The units used to measure frequency in? and the shorthand way to write this?
Name of the term which the time period of a wave can be used to calculate?
The name of the contact force opposing the relative motion of two objects in contact with each other?
The name of the component consisting of a thin wire that melts if too much current passes through it?
Gamma radiation
Name of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from unstable nuclei in radioactive substances?
Name of the energy resource where the Electrical energy comes from using the energy released by radioactive substances deep within the Earth?
Name given to the average time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei present in an isotope to decay to halve its previous value?
Hooke’s law
The name of the law which states “The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied, as long as its limit of proportionality is not exceeded”?
Induced magnetism
Name given to process where an unmagnetised magnetic material becomes magnetic itself when placed in a magnetic field?
The tendency of an object to stay at rest, or to continue in uniform motion is called?
Infrared radiation
Name of the electromagnetic waves between visible light and microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum? Given out by all objects which sit above absolute zero.
Internal energy
The name of the energy of the particles of a substance, due to their individual motion and positions
Looking at the data and graph, as one variable becomes “n” times bigger, the other variable becomes “n” times smaller (i.e. if one doubles, the other halves)
If two variables are inversely proportional, how can you tell from the data?
The name of an atom which has lost an electron to become charged?
The name given to the process where an atom loses an electron to become charged?
The object has been exposed to ionising radiation.
What is meant by an object has been “irradiated”?
Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.
Define what is meant by the term “isotope”?
Latent heat
The name given to energy transferred to or from a substance when it changes its state?
Light-depending resistor (LDR)
Name of a resistor whose resistance depends on the intensity of the light incident on it?
Light-emitting diode (LED)
A device which emits light when a current flows through it in the forward direction?
Limit of proportionality
The name given to the point on a force-extension graph where Hooke’s law no longer applies past this point, during the extension of a stretched spring?
Live wire
The name of the mains wire which has a voltage that alternates in size and direction (between +325 V and 325 V in Europe)?
Longitudinal waves
The type of waves in which the vibrations(oscillations) are parallel to the direction of energy transfer?
Magnetic field
The type of field found around a current-carrying wire?
Magnetic flux density
Name given to the term which is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field?
The name given to the quantity of matter in an object? (measured in kilograms, kg)
The number of protons and neutrons
The mass number of the nucleus tells us?
Mechanical wave
Name given to the group of waves which require a substance to be present to travel through it?
Melting point
The temperature at which a pure substance changes from solid to liquid during heating or solidifies during cooling?
Electromagnetic waves between infrared radiation and radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum?
The name given to the term equal to the mass × velocity of a moving object?
Motor effect
When a current is passed along a wire in a magnetic field the wire can experience a force. What is the name of this effect called?
National Grid
The name given to the network of cables and transformers used to transfer electricity from power stations to consumers (i.e., homes, shops, offices, factories, etc.)?
Neutral wire
The name of the wire of a mains circuit that is involved in the transfer of electrical current to and back from a device, however the pd of this wire remains close to 0V?
Uncharged particles of the same mass as protons?
If the resultant force on an object is zero, the object either remains at rest, or it keeps moving with a constant speed (in the same direction).
State Newton’s first law of motion?
The acceleration of an object is proportional to the resultant force on an object. (and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.)
State Newton’s second law of motion?
When two objects interact with each other, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other.
State Newton’s third law of motion?
Name of the positively charged centre of every atom?
The current through a resistor (at constant temperature) is directly proportional to the pd across the resistor.
State what is meant by a resistor obeying Ohm’s law?
A device used to display the shape of an electrical wave? Useful alongside microphones to analyse sound signals etc.
Parallelogram of forces
Name given to a geometrical method used to find the resultant of two forces that do not act along the same line?
Potential difference
The name given to a measure of the energy transferred to a device by each coulomb of charge that passes through it?
The name given to a measure of the energy transferred per second?
Name of term defined as the “Force per meter squared” acting on a surface? Measured in pascal (Pa).
For an object in equilibrium, the sum of all the clockwise moments about any point = the sum of all the anti-clockwise moments about that point.
State what is meant by the principle of moments?
Positively charged particles with an equal and opposite charge to that of an electron?
Radiation dose
The name given to the amount of ionising radiation a person receives/absorbs?
Radio waves
Electromagnetic waves of wavelengths greater than 0.10 m?
Name given to the area in a longitudinal wave which cause the particles to be spread out?
Renewable energy
Name of the energy source from natural sources that is always being replenished so it never runs out?
Term which can be calculated from the equation - potential difference (in volts, V) ÷ current (in amperes, A)?
Resultant force
Name given to the single force which can be used to represent the sum of all the forces acting on an object?
The general name given to a physical quantity, such as mass or energy, that has magnitude only?
Name of a type of circuit which has its components connected in such a way that the same current passes through each of them?
The name of a long coil of wire that produces a magnetic field both inside and around the outside of a coil when there is a current in the coil?
Specific heat capacity
Defined as the “Energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 °C”?
Specific latent heat of fusion
Defined as the “Energy needed to melt 1 kg of a substance with no change of temperature”?
Specific latent heat of vaporisation
Defined as the “Energy needed to boil away 1 kg of a substance with no change of temperature”?
Term calculated using - distance moved by the object ÷ time taken to move the distance travelled.
Spring constant
Term represented by “k”, which indicates the force required to extend a material per metre?
Stopping distance
The name given to the total distance travelled by the vehicle in the time it takes for the driver to react and brake?
Name given to a straight line drawn so it touches a point on a curve at one point (it has the same gradient as the curve at that point)?
Terminal velocity
The name given to the velocity reached by an object when the drag force on it is equal and opposite to the force making it move?
Thermal conductivity
A property of a material that determines the rate of energy transfer through it by conduction?
Name of a resistor whose resistance depends on the temperature of its surroundings?
Thinking distance
The name given to the distance travelled by a vehicle in the time it takes the driver to react?
Live, Neutral an Earth
What is the name of the three-pins present in a three-pin plug?
Name of the electrical device used to change the size of an (alternating) voltage?
Transverse wave
The type of wave where the particle vibration is perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer?
Ultraviolet radiation
Electromagnetic waves found with a wavelength between visible light and X-rays in the electromagnetic spectrum?
The general name of a physical quantity, such as displacement or velocity, that has both a magnitude and a direction?
Name of the speed of an object in a given direction?
The distance from one wave crest to the next?
The force exerted by an object due to gravity acting on it?
Work done
Term calculated using the equation - force × distance moved?
X-rays and gamma rays
Electromagnetic waves smaller in wavelength than ultraviolet radiation?