Theory + Use of Aeroplane Performance Data
The initial airborne phase (take-off climb) is devided into 4 segments, each with a specified aircraft configuration and speed. The critical engine is assumed to have failed at the (V1/V2/VEF/VMCG) speed.
The initial airborne phase (take-off climb) is devided into 4 segments, each with a specified aircraft configuration and speed. The critical engine is assumed to have failed at the (VEF) speed.
V1 may not be (less/more) than VMCG and not (less/more) than VR.
V1 may not be (less) than VMCG and not (more) than VR.
Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) should usually be (lower/higher) than the Pavement Classification Number (PCN).
Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) should usually be (lower) than the Pavement Classification Number (PCN).
VR may not be less than V1 or (…) VMC.
VR may not be less than V1 or (1.05) VMC.
Performance class A screen height of the take-off distance for a dry runway is (…) ft.
Performance class A screen height of the take-off distance for a dry runway is (35) ft.
Performance class A screen height of the take-off distance for a wet runway is (…) ft.
Performance class A screen height of the take-off distance for a wet runway is (15) ft.
Take-Off Distance is the (lesser/greater) of the following:
- Distance to t/o and climb to 35 ft over runway with all engines operating + (…)%
- Distance to t/o and climb to 35 ft over runway with critical engine inop.
Take-Off Distance is the (greater) of the following:
- Distance to t/o and climb to 35 ft over runway with all engines operating + (15)%
- Distance to t/o and climb to 35 ft over runway with critical engine inop.
VMU is the (…) speed.
VMU is the (minimum unstick) speed.
A (low/high) runway elevation and a (headwind/tailwind) would most likely lead to a tire speed limited take-off.
A (high) runway elevation and a (tailwind) would most likely lead to a tire speed limited take-off.
- require higher TAS for lift-off -
In the event that take-off mass is obstacle limited and the take-off flight path includes a turn, the bank angle should not exceed (…)° up to a height of 400 ft.
In the event that take-off mass is obstacle limited and the take-off flight path includes a turn, the bank angle should not exceed (15)° up to a height of 400 ft.
VMax Tyre can limit the VLOF. (IAS/CAS/TAS/GS) can be directly used to determine this limitation.
VMax Tyre can limit the VLOF. (GS) can be directly used to determine this limitation.
For rigid (R) pavements, occasional movements by aircraft with ACN not exceeding (…)% above the reported PCN should not adversely affect the pavement.
For rigid (R) pavements, occasional movements by aircraft with ACN not exceeding (5)% above the reported PCN should not adversely affect the pavement.
For flexible (F) pavements, occasional movements by aircraft with ACN not exceeding (…)% above the reported PCN should not adversely affect the pavement.
For flexible (F) pavements, occasional movements by aircraft with ACN not exceeding (10)% above the reported PCN should not adversely affect the pavement.
The first segment of the take-off flight path ends at (…).
The first segment of the take-off flight path ends at (completion of gear retraction).
V2 MIN may not be less than:
- (…) VSR for turbojets and 2 and 3 engined turpoprops
- (…) VSR for turbojects with provisionf for obtaining a significant reduction in the OEI power-on stall speed and 4 engined turboprops
- (…) VMCA
V2 MIN may not be less than:
- (1.13) VSR for turbojets and 2 and 3 engined turpoprops
- (1.08) VSR for turbojects with provisionf for obtaining a significant reduction in the OEI power-on stall speed and 4 engined turboprops
- (1.1) VMCA
- ‘Contaminated runway’* means a runway of which more than (25/50/75/100)% of the runway surface area within the required length and width being used is covered by the following:
(a) surface water more than (…) mm deep, or by the equivalent slush, or loose snow;
(b) compacted snow; or
(c) ice, including wet ice.
- ‘Contaminated runway’* means a runway of which more than (25)% of the runway surface area within the required length and width being used is covered by the following:
(a) surface water more than (3) mm deep, or by the equivalent slush, or loose snow;
(b) compacted snow; or
(c) ice, including wet ice.
State whether a down slope will increase, decrease, or not affect the following:
- VR rotation speed
- Tire speed limtied take-off mass
State whether a down slope will increase, decrease, or not affect the following:
- ASD → decrease
- VR rotation speed → not affected
- Tire speed limtied take-off mass → not affected
State whether a down slope will increase, decrease, or not affect the following:
- Take-off Distance
- V1 decision speed
- V2 take-off safety speed
- VMBE limited take-off mass
State whether a down slope will increase, decrease, or not affect the following:
- Take-off Distance → decrease
- V1 decision speed → decrease
- V2 take-off safety speed → not affected
- VMBE limited take-off mass → decrease
The take-off distance must not exceed the take-off distance available, witha clearway distance not exceeding (…)% of the take-off run available (TORA).
The take-off distance must not exceed the take-off distance available, witha clearway distance not exceeding (50)% of the take-off run available (TORA).
Following an engine failure before V1 anda llowing for a pilot reaction time of (…) second(s), a correctly loaded class A aircraft must be capable of decelerating to a stop within the (TODA/ASDA).
Following an engine failure before V1 anda llowing for a pilot reaction time of (2) second(s), a correctly loaded class A aircraft must be capable of decelerating to a stop within the (ASDA).
The one engine out take-off run is the distance between the brake release point and the (lift-off point / point where V2 is reached / middle of segment between VLOF point and 35 ft point / the point halfway between V1 and V2).
The one engine out take-off run is the distance between the brake release point and the (middle of segment between VLOF point and 35 ft point).
The obstacle clearance area for aeroplanes with a wingspan > 60 m is defined as: (30/50/60/90) m + (0.125/0.250/1.125/1.5) • distance from end of TODA.
The obstacle clearance area for aeroplanes with a wingspan > 60 m is defined as: (90) m + (0.125) • distance from end of TODA.
The obstacle clearance area for aeroplanes with a wingspan < 60 m is defined as: (30/50/60/90) m + (0.25/0.5/0.75/2) • wingspan + (0.125/0.250/1.125/1.5) • distance from end of TODA.
The obstacle clearance area for aeroplanes with a wingspan < 60 m is defined as: (60) m + (0.5) • wingspan + (0.125) • distance from end of TODA.
Cost Index is (cost of fuel/operating costs/distance travelled/total costs) devided by (distance travelled/cost of fuel).
Cost Index is (hourely operating costs) devided by (cost of fuel).
The net flight path of an aircraft with OEI shall clear vertically by at least (…) ft, all terrain and obstructions along the route within 5 NM on either side of the intended track.
The net flight path of an aircraft with OEI shall clear vertically by at least (2000) ft, all terrain and obstructions along the route within 5 NM on either side of the intended track.
In case of an engine failure above OEI ceiling, the best speed to descent is (VS1g/VMP/VMD), for jets this is (VX/VY), for propeller aircraft this is (VX/VY).
In case of an engine failure above OEI ceiling, the best speed to descent is (VMD), for jets this is (VX), for propeller aircraft this is (VY).
According to EASA AIR OPS, the required runway length at a destination airport is (greater than/less than/the same as) that required at an alternate airport.
According to EASA AIR OPS, the required runway length at a destination airport is (the same as) that required at an alternate airport.
- For both jets and props. -
The maximum mass for landing could be limited by the climb requirements with (all engines operative/OEI) in the (approach/landing) configuration with gear (retracted/extended) and flaps (approach/land).
The maximum mass for landing could be limited by the climb requirements with (OEI) in the (approach) configuration with gear (retracted) and flaps (approach).
In accordance with CS-25, VREF (reference landing speed) has to be at least (…) • VSR0 (stall speed in landing config.).
In accordance with CS-25, VREF (reference landing speed) has to be at least (1.23) • VSR0 (stall speed in landing config.).