032.01 GENERAL Flashcards
The abbreviation ‘MOPSC’ means (…).
The abbreviation ‘MOPSC’ means (Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration). (excluding crew seats).
‘Performance class A aeroplanes’ means multi-engined aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines with an MOPSC of more than (…) or a maximum take-off mass exceeding (…) kg, and all (…) aeroplanes.
‘Performance class A aeroplanes’ means multi-engined aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines with an MOPSC of more than (9) or a maximum take-off mass exceeding (5 700) kg, and all (multi-engined turbo-jet powered) aeroplanes.
‘Performance class B aeroplanes’ means aeroplanes powered by propeller engines with an MOPSC of (…) or less and a maximum take-off mass of (…) kg or less.
‘Performance class B aeroplanes’ means aeroplanes powered by propeller engines with an MOPSC of (9) or less and a maximum take-off mass of (5 700) kg or less.
Gross performance is determined by (…).
Gross performance is determined by (the average of multiple landings by a regular pilot and aircraft).
Measured performance is determined by (…).
Measured performance is determined by (a test pilot with a new aircraft).
Gross performance multiplied by a safety factor added is called (…).
Gross performance multiplied by a safety factor added is called (net performance).
Net take-off distance is (shorter/longer) than gross take-off distance.
Net take-off distance is (longer) than gross take-off distance.
VX is the speed for best (endurance/range).
VX is the speed for best (endurance).
VY is the speed for best (endurance/range).
VY is the speed for best (range).
VY for jet aircraft is equal to (VMD/1.32 VMD/VMP).
VY for jet aircraft is equal to (1.32 VMD).
VY for propeller aircraft is equal to (VMD/1.32 VMD/VMP).
VY for propeller aircraft is equal to (VMD).
Vx for jet aircraft is equal to (VMD/1.32 VMD/VMP).
Vx for jet aircraft is equal to (VMD).
Vx for propeller aircraft is equal to (VMD/1.32 VMD/VMP).
Vx for propeller aircraft is equal to (VMP).
For jet aircraft, VX is (smaller/greater) than VMP and (smaller/greater) than VY.
For jet aircraft, VX is (greater) than VMP and (smaller) than VY.
A headwind will (increase/decrease/not influence) the flight path angle and (increase/decrease/not influence) the descent angle.
A headwind will (increase) the flight path angle and (not influence) the descent angle.
A tailwind will (increase/decrease/not influence) the flight path angle and (increase/decrease/not influence) the descent angle.
A tailwind will (decrease) the flight path angle and (not influence) the descent angle.
The tangent from the origin to the power required against the true airspeed curve, for a jet aeroplane, determines teh speed for (critical AoA/min. power/max. endurance/max specific range).
The tangent from the origin to the power required against the true airspeed curve, for a jet aeroplane, determines teh speed for (max. endurance).
Specific range is the (ground/still air) distance traveled per unit of (fuel/thrust).
Specific range is the (still air) distance traveled per unit of (fuel).
At the absolute ceiling, the achievable rate of climb is (…).
At the absolute ceiling, the achievable rate of climb is (zero).
Service ceiling for a piston or propeller aircraft with one engine inoperative is the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to (…) ft/min.
Service ceiling for a piston or propeller aircraft with one engine inoperative is the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to (50) ft/min.
Service ceiling for a piston or propeller aircraft is the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to (…) ft/min.
Service ceiling for a piston or propeller aircraft is the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to (100) ft/min.
Service ceiling for a jet aircraft is the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to (…) ft/min.
Service ceiling for a jet aircraft is the altitude where the rate of climb reduces to (500) ft/min.
When the mass of an aircraft operating at optimum glide speed decreases, the glide angle (increases/decreases/is unchanged) and the rate of descent is (increases/decreases/is unchanged).
When the mass of an aircraft operating at optimum glide speed decreases, the glide angle (is unchanged) and the rate of descent is (decreases).
An aircraft is descending at a constant TAS and deploys the flaps. The ROD will (increases/decreases/stay unchanged) and the descent gradient (increases/decreases/stay unchanged).
An aircraft is descending at a constant TAS and deploys the flaps. The ROD will (increases) and the descent gradient (increases).
- drag increases, so TAS decreases. To keep constant TAS pitch down required -
The limit T/O distance is determined by chosing the (lowest/highest) value of TORA ÷ (…), ASDA ÷ (…) and TODA ÷ (…).
The limit T/O distance is determined by chosing the (lowest) value of TORA ÷ (1), ASDA ÷ (1.3) and TODA ÷ (1.15).
To achieve the maximum range over ground with a tailwind, the airspeed should be (lower/higher/equal) compared to the max range speed with no wind.
To achieve the maximum range over ground with a tailwind, the airspeed should be (lower) compared to the max range speed with no wind.
To achieve the maximum range over ground with a headwind, the airspeed should be (lower/higher/equal) compared to the max range speed with no wind.
To achieve the maximum range over ground with a headwind, the airspeed should be (higher) compared to the max range speed with no wind.
The thrust/drag - speed graph of a jet aircraft is shown by (graph 1/graph 2).
The thrust/drag - speed graph of a jet aircraft is shown by (graph 1).
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a jet aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide endurance regime. The speed used it (VMP/VMD/1.32 VMD/VS1g).
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a jet aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide endurance regime. The speed used it (VMP).
- no difference between prop and jet aircraft -
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a propeller driven aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide endurance regime. The speed used it (VMP/VMD/1.32 VMD/VS1g).
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a propeller driven aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide endurance regime. The speed used it (VMP).
- no difference between prop and jet aircraft -
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a propeller driven aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide range regime. The speed used it (VMP/VMD/1.32 VMD/VS1g).
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a propeller driven aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide range regime. The speed used it (VMD).
- no difference between prop and jet aircraft -
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a jet aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide range regime. The speed used it (VMP/VMD/1.32 VMD/VS1g).
Due to fuel starvation, all engines of a jet aircraft fail. The pilots need to fly the maximum glide range regime. The speed used it (VMD).
- no difference between prop and jet aircraft -
On a dry uphill sloped runway compared to a flat runway, the acelelrated stop distance required is (increased/decreased).
On a dry uphill sloped runway compared to a flat runway, the acelelrated stop distance required is (increased).
- because of uphill, distance to reach V1 is longer -
Maximum excess power = (VX/VY)
Maximum excess thrust = (VX/VY)
Maximum excess power = (VY)
Maximum excess thrust = (VX)
Climb/descent angle is (air mass/ground) related and flight path angle is (air mass/ground).
Climb/descent angle is (air mass) related and flight path angle is (ground).
The hourly fuel consumption of a turbojet powered aeroplane in a cruise flight at constant Mach and zero headwind is proportional to (T / 1÷T / 1÷T2). T being outside static air temperature expressed in K.
The hourly fuel consumption of a turbojet powered aeroplane in a cruise flight at constant Mach and zero headwind is proportional to (T). T being outside static air temperature expressed in K.
- Mach = TAS/a, a = LSS, which only depends on temperature -
The thrust of a jet engine at constant RPM is (proportional/inversily proportional/independent) to the airspeed.
The thrust of a jet engine at constant RPM is (proportional) to the airspeed.
Without a stopway or clearway available, TOD • (…) should not exceed TORA.
Without a stopway or clearway available, TOD • (1.25) should not exceed TORA.
VMD on the power required curve is at the (lowest point/tangent from the origin).
VMD on the power required curve is at the (tangent from the origin).
The minimum width of a clearway is (…) ft
The minimum width of a clearway is (500) ft (≈ 150 m)
Specific fuel consumption is (NM/fuel flow/TAS) / unit of (fuel flow/thrust/mass of fuel).
Specific fuel consumption is (fuel flow) / unit of (thrust).
SFC is a ratio of mass of fuel required to produce a unit of power or thrust per unit of time (kg per unit of shaft power)
In case of an engine failure with a multi-engine aeroplane, VXSE is (lower/higher) than VX and VYSE is (lower/higher) than VY.
In case of an engine failure with a multi-engine aeroplane, VXSE is (higher) than VX and VYSE is (lower) than VY.