03 - Social Determinants of Health Flashcards
What is health?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absense of disease or infirmity
It is the extent to which an individual or group is able, on the one hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and, on the other hand, to change or cope with the environment (health as a resource for doing things for yourself and your community)
How was the Lalonde Report influential?
This model helped expand healthcvare beyond clinical procedures/interventions, but we have evolved this model to what we believe today (different aspects of health do not affect our health status by a pre-defined amount. It is a lot more holistic)
What are some structural determinants of health inequalities?
Social class, education, gender, occupation, social policies, culture, etc.
What are some intermediary determinants of health?
Material circumstances (environmental and working conditions, food availability, genetics, coping skills
This is a measure of how exposed you are to harm and your ability to manage it effectively
What is the benefit of social status?
Social status determines the degree of control we have over life circumstances. It affects our capacity to act and make choices for ourselves.
What does The Black Report show?
Over time relative risk of dying for professionals decreased while those who were unskilled saw relative mortality increased despite efforts to improve their health
What does the Whitehall Study show?
It compared cumulative conditional probability of death for different worker classes. Professional workers had a significantly lower probability of death after a given period of time
Why is ethnicity is a social determinant of health?
Racial or ethnic differences often used to create social divisions and discriminatory practices
Racial discrimination and exclusion result in poorer health status
How do social determinants affect women’s health?
Women live seven years longer than men, as a result, they suffer from more chronic and disabling diseases.
Older women are more likely to live alone and in poverty
Women in general are more likely to head a single parent family and experience poverty
How do social determinats affect men’s health?
Young men are more likely to have:
more accidents (killed or injured at work, participate in more risk-taking behaviours due to their socialization)
Men are more likely to experience emotional problems (gender expectations are weakening)
Why is education a social determinant of health?
Education icreases oppurtunities for income and job security
Improved health literacy that allows people to gain information needed to keep themselves and their families healthy
Less likely to be stressed, smoke, exposed to environmental hazards
More likely to avoid STIs, exercise regularly, breastfed their children
Why is income a social determinant of health?
With higher income, you can:
more easily obtain adequate housing ans nutritious food, and meet other basic needs
Also have more choice and control over decisions affecting your life.
What factors assign your socioeconomic position?
Social status, education, and income are all strongly associated with a person’s level of health, and are closely related.
What is social cohesion?
The sense of unity within a group. Can be achieved when a common enemy appears
What is social capital?
This is the ability to leverage relationships to help yourself and others improve their condition
How does your physical environment impact your health?
An improved standard of living means you are less likely to live somewhere that is crowded, poorly ventilated, has great food selection, and have fewer issues with transport
How do working conditions affect health?
A variety of risk factors are related to employment and working conditions:
These factors include stress on the job, hazards, lack of respect, upaid work or unemployed, physical safety and job demands
What was the Alameda County Study?
Residents of Alameda County were given health questionaires examining the relationship between lifestyle and health over 30 years
They found that the following behavious should improve health:
Eat breakfast (no longer important)
No history of smoking tobacco
No more than 4 alcoholic drinks in a sitting
Exercise regularly
Get a least 7 hours of sleep per night
Do not snack between meals (no longer important)
Maintain a good height to weight ratio
What is the importance of biology and genetics when it comes to health?
Some refer to biology and genetics as the “Luck Factor”
Genetic research is identifying specific genes with the potential to cure or eliminate many diseases; but genes rarely work in isolation
What is the relationship between genetics and environmental factors in health?
These factors interact with each other and produce a blended outcome.
What are coping skills?
The internal resources used to handle outside influences and negative ways we deal with a situation. Allows people to effectively or ineffectively handle stresses and pressures
What is the advantage of social support networks in relation to health?
Creates oppurtunities for social contacts and a safe, supportive environment. These networks build social cohesion and capital
What is the most important biological role of a father?
Providing healthy sperm, which can only be produced by healthy fathers
How does a healthy mother help improve the health of their unborn child?
A physically healthy mother is more likely to deliver a healthy baby. A healthy mother produces a healthier placenta, allowing gor the development of a healthy fetus
How does the cycle of poverty work?
Child is born in a poor family–>child grows up in poverty –> child is significantly disadvantaged in education and skills –> Child grows up and struggles to get a job –> Adult fails to escape the poverty cycle –> Adult has child in poverty
What is the role of health services in individual health?
Health care plays an important, but limited role in the health of individuals, groups, and populations.
Health care can…
Address health-threatening behaviours
Improve health literacy
Ensure food, water, and air safety
Help maintain/improve health status and independence
Support community development
Unfortunately, the healthcare system is unable to meet all of these needs