03-09 Uworld Flashcards
IUP usually seen at what BhCG level?
tx for vulvar lichen sclerosus
superpotent topical corticosteroids (clobetasol)
female external w/ male internal genitalia, virilization at puberty
5-alpha-reductase def (impaired T->DHT)
female external w/ male internal genitalia, breast dev @ puberty
androgen insensitivity syndrome (defective androgen receptor)
hyperemesis gravidarum w/ AMS, nystagmus, gait ataxia
wernicke encephalopathy (thiamine deficiency)
abortion: no VB, closed os, no cardiac activity or empty sac
missed abortion
abortion: VB, closed os, cardiac activity
threatened abortion
abortion: VB, dilated os, products of conception felt above os
inevitable abortion
abortion: VB, dilated os, some products of conception remain
incomplete abortion
erythematous plaques w/in inguinal + axillary folds
intertrigo - candida overgrowth - tx w/ topical azoles
hyperemesis gravidarum causes: __pH, __HCO3, __PaCO2
inc pH, inc HCO3, inc PaCO2
claw hand w/ ipsilateral horner syndrome after delivery
klumpke palsy (C8, T1)
tx for postpartum endometritis
clindamycin + gentamicin
tx for pts w/ prior HSV/active HSV
if prior: antivirals at 36 wks
if active during labor: c-section
call-exner bodies (rosette pattern)
granulosa cell tumor