03-08 U-world Flashcards
eval for postmenopausal bleeding
TVUS or endometrial bx (endo thickness of 4+mm on TVUS still needs bx)
rapid onset breast erythema + dimpling
inflammatory breast carcinoma
RUQ pain in HELLP syndrome
liver swelling/distension of hepatic capsule
pts w/ PCOS have inc risk of ___ cancer
endometrial - due to estrogens unopposed by progesterone
adnexal mass w/ lack of doppler flow
ovarian torsion - prompt laparoscopy indicated
RUQ pain, hypoglycemia, leukocytosis, hyperbili, inc LFTs (only2-3x nml), thrombocytopenia
acute fatty liver of pregnancy (due to abnml maternal-fetal fatty acid metabolism) -> manage w/ immediate delivery
malodorous off-white vaginal discharge
BV: pH >4.5, clue cells, tx w/ metronidazole or clinda
carboprost tromethamine (hemabate) contraindications
asthma (PG F2a analog)
methylergonovine (methergine) contraindications
HTN (b/c potent vasoconstrictor)
mammary paget dz assoc w/ ___
unilateral bloody nipple discharge
breast papilloma
condylomata lata vs acuminata
lata = syphilis (smooth) acuminata = genital warts (verrucous)
next steps for pts w/ dec fetal movement
NST -> BPP if NST is nonreactive
tx for CT w/ negative GC
tx for GC w/ neg CT
ceftriaxone + azithromycin