02 - Track Force Protection and Permanent way signs Flashcards
Where may you find advice on new permanent way signs?
In the WON
When is the WON issued?
Every tuesday
What is a warning hand signal by day/night and what does it mean?
Warning, prepare for stop
Yellow flag by day.
Yellow steady light by night
How must the driver react on exploding ATWs?
Reduce speed
Activate MAD button
Sound a long whistle
Lookout for inner signaller expecting stop
After slowing for TRack force protection, when May a driver resume track speed?
After observing a steady green flag or light(night).
Driver will return to the aspeed allowed by the last signal aspect.
What does a green flag waved side to side indicate?
Driver may not exceed 25 or less if indicated by the hand signaller.
Driver must observe stead green flag before returning to normal speeds.
All right hand signal by day & night?
One arm raised to the side by day.
Stead white light by night.
Where is the inner suburban area?
Up of Richmond, Jolimont and North Melbourne.
What are the 3 different areas of track force protection?
Inner suburban
Inner suburban, outer hand signaller, how far and what do they do/display?
2 fixed signals, displays yellow signal
Inner suburban, inner hand signaller, how far and what do they do/display?
100m, displays red, green or waving green signals
Suburban, outer hand signaller, how far and what do they do/display?
3 fixed signals if it’s within 1200m
Signal box if it’s within 1200m
Places 3 atw 10m apart on one line at a reasonable distance.
Displays yellow flag
Suburban, inner hand signaller, how far and what do they do/display?
Holding red, green or waving green flag.
Country, outer hand signaller, how far and what do they do/display?
3 fixed signals within 2000-4000m
Signal box within 2000-4000m
Place 3 ATWs
Displays yellow flag
Country, inner hand signaller, how far and what do they do/display?
Holding red, green or waving green flag.
On sighting a worker how must the driver react?
What should a signaller do?
Sound a long whistle
Signaller should give the All Right hand signal
If no All Right hand signal is given the driver must stop until the All right is given. (Pssssh yeah right)
Reduce the speed of the train
Describe a warning board.
Approx 1200m from point of work.
Yellow fishtailed sign with a speed below.
Driver must slow to this speed before the caution board.
Describe a caution board.
Approx 200m from the point of work.
Yellow disc sign with a speed below.
Driver must be travelling at this speed before passing this sign.
Describe a Normal Speed board.
White sign with the letters NS.
200m after point of work
Trains 8 cars and less may resume signal/track speed at this sign. (front of train)
Describe a Normal Board
White sign with the letter N
1200m from point of work
Trains with over 8 (9 and over) may resume signal/track speed.
Sometimes different speeds are required for passenger and freight trains, how is this displayed on a Permanent way board?
P = Passenger Trains G = Goods trains example P 65 G 30
How much a driver react after exploding an ATW and no inner flag man is sighted?
Driver is to sound a long whistle, report the issue to train control and proceed cautiously.