02 Phrasal Verbs - Run Flashcards
to find something or someone when you are not looking for them
[toparse con]
run across (something or someone)
Ex: Jade was surprised to run across her missing bike while cleaning her garage.
to unexpectedly encounter problems or situations
[chocar(se), tropezar(se)]
run into
Ex: We always run into heavy traffic when driving downtown during rush hour.
to continue without stopping
[continuar, prolongarse, alargarse]
run on
Ex: When Cale’s team discusses a new project, their meetings run on endlessly.
to have no more of something
[acabarse, quedarse sin, agotarse]
run out
Ex: Olza Shop might run out of water if the workers do not refill the tanks soon.
We have run out of milk for tomorrow’s breakfast.
We need to finish the exam before time runs out
to check something
run through
Ex: Kyla will run through the sales report line by line before submitting it.
I will run through the four points, although the honourable Members know them very well.
I shall run through the main reasons for our view of this.
These intersectoral approaches must run through the whole of the new draft programme, not forgetting the two transversal themes.
Accompanied by the pianist Enric Colomer, he will run through his forty-year career on the bill of the ‘Cantautors al Teatre de Muro’ cycle.
Let me just briefly run through some of these issues before we turn it over to my colleague here and then have a chance to just visit informally.
to cause a large increase in the amount of money, such as a bill or debt
[aumentar, elevar, incrementar, acumular]
run up
Ex: The marketing team’s frequent business trips run up the company’s travel expenses.
It can help a crook get credit in your name and run up huge bills.
Meanwhile, in Catalonia too, his articles run up against problems.
In certain circumstances (variable response times on network connections, firewalled hosts) audit times can run up to 10 hours.
to accept an idea and make it happen
[aplicar, seguir, plantear, materializar, ejecutar, llevar a cabo]
run with
Ex: Anna decided to run with Tim’s suggestions and update the app as he suggested.
The training course was run with an informal approach providing time for the group to become acquainted with each other.
This has been a budget procedure which has so far run with remarkable smoothness.
A science fiction film can take this contradiction and run with it.
It is ambitious to be run with more than 4 million euros granted by the Central Government.
It’s easy to choose a theme and run with it, but it’s also just as easy to customize any individual aspect of your theme to make it your own.
If they’re excited about something, you just let them run with it,” said Borge