01 Phrasal verbs - Look Flashcards
plan for the future
[mirar hacia adelante, mirar al futuro, pensar en el futuro]
look ahead
Ex: Don’t spend all your money: You have to look ahead and save for your retirement.
feel excited about a future event; to anticipate
[tener ganas de]
look forward to
Ex: I really look forward to having this problem solved.
remember or think about the past
[recordar, mirar hacia atrás]
look back
Ex: Looking back on the previous year, I see that our company has achieved a 33 percent growth in business.
When the team looked back on the previous year, they found that the business grew by 33 percent.
[buscar, consultar]
look up
Ex: Use the internet to look up the company’s address and contact number.
investigate; examine
[examinar, estudiar, investigar]
look into
Ex: Investors should first look into the company’s business and finance operations before investing in its stocks.
highly respect; idolize
[admirar, respetar]
look up to
I look up to you because of your great people skills.
consider one to be of low value
look down on
Senior managers should not look down on employees who work under them.
expect something from somebody
[esperar, confiar]
look to
I have a problem with your product. Can I look to you to solve it for me?
[observar, quedarse mirando]
look on
The team leader looked on as his team members prepared the presentation
visit for a short time
[visitar / echar un vistazo]
look in on
The employer looks in on the office every so often to make sure his employees are doing their jobs properly.
take care of somebody or something
[cuidar, estar atento, vigilar]
look after
Could you please look after my computer while I’m gone?
move away / keep away from danger
[tener cuidado, vigilar con]
look out
When you get inside the factory, look out for hazardous materials.