02-Chapter Flashcards
● Collectively (adv.)
treating many things as one group
● Considerable (adj.)
great in amount, size, or importance
○ My cousin wasted a considerable amount of time and money
● Vegetation (n.)
all of the plants or plant life of a place; collective of brush, trees, and plants
○ Flora (plants) and fauna (animals)
● Latter (adj.)
-near or towards the end of something;
- the second of two people, things, or groups previously; last mentioned
○ Former (first mentioned) and latter (last mentioned)
○ I love both Mexican food and Thai food; however, I prefer the latter.
○ Samsung and Apple differ in terms of cost. The latter is more expensive. = Apple is more expensive than Samsung
○ Same pronunciation as ladder
● Abundant (adj.)
- existing or available in large quantities
○ Synonym: plentiful
○ Positive connotation
○ Synonym: excessive (negative connotation)
○ There was abundant evidence to support that theory.
○ Abundance (n.)
● Sequence (n.)
a series of related things; the order of something
○ Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform this task?
● Germination (n.)
- the development of a plant from a seed or a spore after a period of dormancy; the process of something coming into existence and developing
○ Germinate (v.)
○ Avocado germination is slower compared to other seeds
● Tissue (n.)
a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function
○ Subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle were the same in both groups.
○ Muscle tissue
○ Heart tissue
○ Lung tissue
● Break down (phar. v.)
- to fail; to cease to function; to decay; to divide into small parts to give more details; to digest
○ My car broke down = my car stopped working
○ If you bury an apple in the ground, it will break down = it will decay
○ The critic broke down the movie to the audience = he explained the movie to the audience
○ Food in your stomach is broken down by acid = it’s digested
● Route (n.)
- a way from place between another place; a way of doing something to achieve something; a path or direction
○ Root (n.) - the root of a tree; the base of something (e.g. a root directory, the root of a word)
● Incur (v.)
- if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done;
-if you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done
○ If the council loses the appeal, it will incur all the legal costs.
○ She wondered what she had done to incur this.
● Link (n. / v.)
- to make a connection between two or more things or people
○ A love of nature links the two poets.
○ Linkage (n.)
● Tract (n.)
- an area of infinite extent typically a large one;
-a major passage in the body;
-a large bundle of nerve fibers or other continuous elongated anatomical structures or regions;
-a tunnel or passageway
○ The vast tracts of time required to account for the deposition of strait.
○ e.g. your digestive tract
● Trophic (adj.)
- relating to feeding and nutrition
○ Trophic level = a level on the food chain
○ Owl > Snakes > Mice > Insects
● Face (v.)
- to be or turn in a particular direction;
-to be opposite someone or something so that your face or front is towards;
-to accept that something unpleasant is true and start to deal with the situation
○ All rooms face the sea.
○ Two men face each other across the table.
○ She was faced with the death of her grandmother.
○ She is going to have to face the fact that he’s not coming back to her.