02-Chapter Flashcards
● Collectively (adv.)
treating many things as one group
● Considerable (adj.)
great in amount, size, or importance
○ My cousin wasted a considerable amount of time and money
● Vegetation (n.)
all of the plants or plant life of a place; collective of brush, trees, and plants
○ Flora (plants) and fauna (animals)
● Latter (adj.)
-near or towards the end of something;
- the second of two people, things, or groups previously; last mentioned
○ Former (first mentioned) and latter (last mentioned)
○ I love both Mexican food and Thai food; however, I prefer the latter.
○ Samsung and Apple differ in terms of cost. The latter is more expensive. = Apple is more expensive than Samsung
○ Same pronunciation as ladder
● Abundant (adj.)
- existing or available in large quantities
○ Synonym: plentiful
○ Positive connotation
○ Synonym: excessive (negative connotation)
○ There was abundant evidence to support that theory.
○ Abundance (n.)
● Sequence (n.)
a series of related things; the order of something
○ Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform this task?
● Germination (n.)
- the development of a plant from a seed or a spore after a period of dormancy; the process of something coming into existence and developing
○ Germinate (v.)
○ Avocado germination is slower compared to other seeds
● Tissue (n.)
a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function
○ Subcutaneous tissue and skeletal muscle were the same in both groups.
○ Muscle tissue
○ Heart tissue
○ Lung tissue
● Break down (phar. v.)
- to fail; to cease to function; to decay; to divide into small parts to give more details; to digest
○ My car broke down = my car stopped working
○ If you bury an apple in the ground, it will break down = it will decay
○ The critic broke down the movie to the audience = he explained the movie to the audience
○ Food in your stomach is broken down by acid = it’s digested
● Route (n.)
- a way from place between another place; a way of doing something to achieve something; a path or direction
○ Root (n.) - the root of a tree; the base of something (e.g. a root directory, the root of a word)
● Incur (v.)
- if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done;
-if you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done
○ If the council loses the appeal, it will incur all the legal costs.
○ She wondered what she had done to incur this.
● Link (n. / v.)
- to make a connection between two or more things or people
○ A love of nature links the two poets.
○ Linkage (n.)
● Tract (n.)
- an area of infinite extent typically a large one;
-a major passage in the body;
-a large bundle of nerve fibers or other continuous elongated anatomical structures or regions;
-a tunnel or passageway
○ The vast tracts of time required to account for the deposition of strait.
○ e.g. your digestive tract
● Trophic (adj.)
- relating to feeding and nutrition
○ Trophic level = a level on the food chain
○ Owl > Snakes > Mice > Insects
● Face (v.)
- to be or turn in a particular direction;
-to be opposite someone or something so that your face or front is towards;
-to accept that something unpleasant is true and start to deal with the situation
○ All rooms face the sea.
○ Two men face each other across the table.
○ She was faced with the death of her grandmother.
○ She is going to have to face the fact that he’s not coming back to her.
● Constitute (v.)
- to become considered to be something;
-to be the parts that together form something;
-to form a group largely or officially
○ Synonym: establish
○ Women constitute about 90% of nurses
Flesh (n.)
- some part of the body of a person or an animal that is between the skin and the bones
○ Synonym: meat
Digest (V.)
-break down (food) in the alimentary canal into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body. Similar: break down dissolve assimilate absorb take in
prey (V. n.)
-hunt and kill for food.
“small birds that prey on insect pests”
an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
“the kestrel is ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey”
fall prey to — be hunted and killed by (an animal).
“small rodents fell prey to domestic cats”
Herbivores (n.)
an animal that feeds on plants.
“predatory carnivores and their herbivore prey”
an animal that feeds on flesh.
a mammal of the order Carnivora.
an animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin