01a Post and Core Schachman Flashcards
What is the first goal of Post and Core
Protect and preserve remaining radicular and coronal tooth structure
What is the second goal of Post and Core
Provide a supportive and retentive foundation for the placement of a definitive restoration
What is the 3rd goal of post and core
Maintain the apical endodontic seal of the root canal filling material
We are looking to restore function and ______ with a post and core
The ferrule effect provides ______ form so that post and core system does not ______ freely in the tooth
Resistance, Rotate
What are some advantages of ParaPost compared to a custom post
Parallel posts with a patterned surface are more retentive
Only 1 appointment is needed
How much GP is left in order to protect the apical seal
4-5 mm
How do we remove GP?
Gates glidden followed by warmed endo condenser
What speed handpiece should be used to remove GP
Steps for Determining length of post space:
1. Examine the most recent ____ of tooth
- Does this show the tooth _____ as it is today
- Measure from the ____ end of the GP to the incisal edge
- Subtract ____ mm
- This is the ____ of the post space you will create
- PA
- Exactly
- Apical
- 5
- length
Steps to Remove GP 2:
- Decide whether to use a #2 or #3 ______
- Put a _____ on the GG
- ______ the GP
- Remove the GP to the ______ you have determined
- Remove in the _____ _____ of the tooth
- Gates Glidden
- Stopper
- Visualize
- depth
- Long axis
Steps to remove GP 3
- Let _______ size dictate your post space size
- Small canals like _______ _______ take a ______ size 3 parapost and need a size 3 GG
- Mx Centrals in young adults may be large a need a size 4.5 _____ PP (____ mm) and require a #4 GG
- canal
- Mx Laterals, brown
- Blue (1.14)
Always remove the GP with ____ and _____ ______ before you parallel the shape of the canal with a PP drill
Gates Glidden
Heated instruments
What increases the chances of root fractures
When the post space preparation is not in the long axis of the tooth
What happens if the post perforates the root
Unrestorable, iatrogenic mistake causing tooth extraction
What is likely to happen if there is less then 0.5 mm of radicular dentin