01a: Dyspnea, Obstructive Diseases Flashcards
Hearing “velcro” on lung sounds; formally called (X).
X = crackles
(X) breath sound is normal if heard over trachea, but abnormal if heard over lungs.
X = bronchial
Obstruction of airflow in bronchial tree will present as (X) breath sounds. If obstruction is in upper airway, (Y) breath sounds heard.
X = wheezing Y = stridor
T/F: PaO2 is more tightly regulated by CNS than PaCO2.
False - PO2 detected by peripheral chemoreceptors, while PCO2 tightly regulated by CNS
PaO2 is determined by which three factors?
- PAO2 (in alveolus)
- Ability of O2 to diffuse into blood of lung cap
- Ability of lung to match ventilation and perfusion (V/Q ratio)
Write out Alveolar Gas Equation. Which factor(s) is/are measured?
PAO2 = FO2(PB-PH2O) - (PaCO2/R)
PaCO2 is measured
Respiratory quotient (R) represents (X). What’s the normal value?
X = CO2 produced/O2 consumed
The ABG provides (X) value(s) to allow clinician to calculate A-a gradient.
- PaCO2 (to calculate PAO2)
2. PaO2
Reduced PaO2 with normal A-a gradient are due to which potential causes? How can the clinician differentiate between these?
- Hypoventilation (will produce hypercarbia)
2. Low FIO2 (high altitude)
Shunt: you would expect SvO2 to be (increased/decreased).
Four main causes of low SvO2:
- Anemia
- Low CO (delivery)
- High VO2 (tissue consumption)
- Arterial desaturation
Hypoxemia is present if (X) value is (over/under) (Y).
- X = PaO2 under Y = 60mmHg
2. X = oxygen sat under Y = 90%
List the mechanistic causes of hypoxemia. Star the most common cause.
- V/Q Mismatch*
- Shunt
- Hypoventilation
- Diffusion abnormality
At (X) landmark, V/Q ratio equals 1.
X = rib 3
Which shunt(s) may exist in normal, healthy individual?
- Thebesian veins (heart)
2. Bronchial to pulm venous anastamoses
V/Q ratio equals zero in which disease state?
Shunt (V equals 0)
V/Q ratio equals infinity in which disease state?
Pulmonary embolism (Q equals 0)
Patient is hypoxemic and treatment with 100% O2 does not cause PO2 levels to rise as expected. What do you suspect is the cause of his hypoxemia?
R to L shunt
Patient has thickened blood-gas barrier. Will exercise help raise his PO2?
No - increase in blood flow will shorten time that RBC has in pulmonary capillary, so won’t reach full O2 saturation
Bronchial mucosa has (X) epithelium and which other cells/structures?
X = pseudostratified ciliated
Goblet cells, cartilage, submucosal (mucus) glands
(X), fundamental unit of lung, consists of which structures?
X = acinus
- Resp bronchiole
- Alveolar duct
- Alveolus
Alveolar wall: (X) lined by endothelium rests on BM in contact with (Y), which is in contact with BM of (Z).
X = capillary Y = interstitium (collagen, elastic fibers) Z = alveolar epithelium (Type I and II pneumocytes)