0104: To have and want... Flashcards
I have / it exists / to be
I don’t have / it does not exist / to not be
믈 있어요?
Do you have water?
친구 있어요!
I have friends!
시간 있어요?
Is there time?
시건 없어요.
We don’t have time.
친구 없어요. :(
I don’t have friends. :(
한극어 재미있어요!
Korean is fun!
커피 주세요.
I’d like some coffee, please.
사과 주새요.
Give me an apple.
커피 있어요?…아니요, 커피 없어요.
Do you have coffee?…No, we don’t have coffee.
우유 있어요?…네, 우유 있어요.우유 주세요.
Do you have milk?…Yes, we have milk.I’d like some milk.
불고기 주세요.
I’d like bulgogi.
거 밥 주세요.
That rice, please.
이거 맛있어요.
This is delicious.
이 케익 맛있어요.
This cake is delicious.
삼겹살 맛있어요.
Korean barbecue is delicious.
뭐거 맛있어요?
What’s delicious?
이거 맛없어요.
This tastes awful.
이 차 맛없어요?
Does this tea taste awful?
잘 먹겠습니다!
I will eat well!
잘 먹을게!Also implies, “Thanks for treating me!”
I will eat well! (informal)
잘 먹었습니다!
I have eaten well / thanks for the food!
잘 먹겠습니다!잘 먹었습니다!
I will eat well!… I have eaten well!