01 Social Games Flashcards
Name two scientific methodologies that ludologists may use! Name four scientific fields
that make contributions to ludology!
Scientific methodologies:
- Empirical
- Design Science (engineering)
- Deductive (mathematical)
Scientific fields:
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Socio-psychology
- Informatics
- Computer science + engineering
- Mathematics
- Economy
- Arts
- Art history
- History
Name four characteristics of “play”
- Free activity
- Outside “ordinary” life/not serious, but absorbing the player
- No material interests
- Own boundaries of time and space
- Fixed rules
- Promotes formation of social groupings
- Make-believe of a second reality
Salen and Zimmerman state:” Games are a susbet of play. Play is an element of agmes”. Briefly discuss the meaning and difficulties of that definition!
- Playful or doing ludic activities, a game focuses on the player who by following
rules experiences the system via play- Difficulty: The borders between game and play are blurred.
Salen and Zimmerman define: “A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that result in quantifiable outcome!
Discuss the limits of this definition!
- The definition leads to borderline cases that are broadly considered games but
may not be considered a game by Salen and Zimmermans definition. - No artificial conflict: Minecraft
- Loose rules: Pen&Paper roleplaying
- No quantifiable outcome: MMORPGs, Minecraft
Give your own definition of “Game Mechanics”!
- Actions, behavior and control mechanisms available for players to change game
element states. - The mechanics support overall gameplay dynamics (together with games
Briefly characterize Casual Games as one of four types of games discussed!
- Instant play, easy to learn
- Quick play, do not require much time to play to get pleasure
- Common play, address a vast majority of player types
Name and briefly characterize two classes of Casual Games!
- Browser games
- Social networking games: played on social networking platforms (Farmville)
- Mimetic games: take game-play out of virtual game space to the players real world space (Wii Sports, Guitar Hero, Kinect)
What are advantages when characterizing game genres in terms of elements of game mechanics compared to characterizing game genres in terms of ludological genre frameworks?
Ludological genre framework critique:
* Not timeless, formal criteria missing
* Mostly driven from existing games (extensional), not intensional
* Tree-based classifications: too rigid (in terms of mixed genres)
Genre in terms of mechanics:
* Similar to ludological genre frameworks
* Genres == sets of game mechanics
* Additive: new mechanics can be added without changing older parts
* New genres easy: new combinations/sets
Maslov’s Need Hierarchy contains the levels “Physiological, Safety, Belonging-Love, Self-Esteem, Self-Actualization”. Which levels do Games and Social Media contribute to? Give a brief explanation!
- Games: finally clearing a level/boss/X you tried repeatedly boosts your self esteem
- Social Media: Getting a like or seeing someone post similar thoughts on a topic to yours helps with your belonging-love