0055-0071 Guardian (Lvl. 8) Flashcards
Column [1]
“Translate 行”
“GO (proceed, ACT, perform, LINE (of print)) (#0055)”
“Say 行”
“Write GO (proceed, ACT, perform, LINE (of print)) (#0055) コウ、ギョウ、アン;い~、ゆ~”
“Translate 行う”
“act (do, perform; practice, carry out)”
“Say 行う”
“Write act (do, perform; practice, carry out) おこなう”
“Translate 行く”
“go, proceed; attend”
“Say 行く”
“Write go, proceed; attend いく”
“Translate 二行”
“two lines (of text)”
“Say 二行”
“Write two lines (of text) にぎょう”
“Translate 心”
“HEART (mind, center, core) (#0056)”
“Say 心”
“Write HEART (mind, center, core) (#0056) シン;こころ”
“Translate 中心”
“center, middle”
“Say 中心”
“Write center, middle ちゅうしん”
“Translate 耳”
“EAR (#0057)”
“Say 耳”
“Write EAR (#0057) ジ;みみ”
“Translate 耳目”
“eyes and ears; one’s attention”
“Say 耳目”
“Write eyes and ears; one’s attention じもく”
“Translate 又”
“AGAIN (also; OR, in other words) (#0058)”
“Say 又”
“Write AGAIN (also; OR, in other words) (#0058) また”
“Translate 又は”
“or; in other words”
“Say 又は”
“Write or; in other words または”
“Translate 又明日”
“see you tomorrow”
“Say 又明日”
“Write see you tomorrow またあした”
“Translate 取”
“TAKE (#0059)”
“Say 取”
“Write TAKE (#0059) シュ;と~”
“Translate 身”
“Say 身”
“Translate 出身”
“one’s place of origin”
“Say 出身”
“Write one’s place of origin しゅっしん”
“Translate 身の回り”
“one’s belongings”
“Say 身の回り”
“Write one’s belongings みのまわり”
“Translate 休”
“REST (suspend) (#0061)”
“Say 休”
“Write REST (suspend) (#0061) キュウ;やす~”
“Translate 体”
“BODY (FORM) (#0062)”
“Say 体”
“Write BODY (FORM) (#0062) タイ、テイ;からだ”
“Translate 人体”
“human body”
“Say 人体”
“Write human body じんたい”
“Translate 休み”
“rest, recess; suspension; vacation, absence”
“Say 休み”
“Write rest, recess; suspension; vacation, absence やすみ”
“Translate 休日”
“holiday (day off)”
“Say 休日”
“Write holiday (day off) きゅうじつ”
“Translate 信用”
“trust (credit, confidence)”
“Say 信用”
“Write trust (credit, confidence) しんよう”
“Translate 信”
“BELIEVE (trust, MESSAGE, signal) (#0063)”
“Say 信”
“Write BELIEVE (trust, MESSAGE, signal) (#0063) シン”
“Translate 付”
“ATTACH (be attached to, hand over) (#0064)”
“Say 付”
“Write ATTACH (be attached to, hand over) (#0064) フ;つ~”
“Translate 付く”
“attach to (adhere to, be connected with)”
“Say 付く”
“Write attach to (adhere to, be connected with) つく”
“Translate 受”
“RECEIVE (accept) (#0065)”
“Say 受”
“Write RECEIVE (accept) (#0065) ジュ;う~”
“Translate 受信”
“reception (receipt of a message)”
“Say 受信”
“Write reception (receipt of a message) じゅしん”
“Translate 受ける”
“to receive, accept”
“Say 受ける”
“Write to receive, accept うける”
“Translate 以”
“BY MEANS OF (TO THE … OF) (#0066)”
“Say 以”
“Write BY MEANS OF (TO THE … OF) (#0066) ィ;もっ~”
“Translate 以下”
“not more than, under; the following”
“Say 以下”
“Write not more than, under; the following いか”
“Translate 立”
“Say 立”
“Write STAND (ESTABLISH) (#0067) リツ、リュウ;た~”
“Translate 中立”
“Say 中立”
“Write neutrality ちゅうりつ”
“Translate 立つ”
“stand, rise”
“Say 立つ”
“Write stand, rise たつ”
“Translate 一部”
“part, portion, section; a copy”
“Say 一部”
“Write part, portion, section; a copy いちぶ”
“Translate 部”
“SECTION (division, department) (#0068)”
“Say 部”
“Write SECTION (division, department) (#0068) ブ”
“Translate 倍”
“TIMES (–fold, DOUBLE) (#0069)”
“Say 倍”
“Write TIMES (–fold, DOUBLE) (#0069) バイ”
“Translate 二倍”
“Say 二倍”
“Write double にばい”
“Translate 成”
“BECOME (form, ACHIEVE) (#0070)”
“Say 成”
“Write BECOME (form, ACHIEVE) (#0070) セイ、ジョウ;な~”
“Translate 成人”
“a grown–up”
“Say 成人”
“Write a grown–up せいじん”
“Translate 代”
“REPLACE (substitute; GENERATION, age, CHARGE, fare) (#0071)”
“Say 代”
“Write REPLACE (substitute; GENERATION, age, CHARGE, fare) (#0071) ダイ、タイ;か~”
“Translate 代わる”
“substitute (take the place of)”
“Say 代わる”
“Write substitute (take the place of) かわる”