0011 Elements of America’s Market Economy in a Global Setting (SMR 5.2) Flashcards
A Market Economy is ruled by ______ as well as _________.
the principle of supply and demand, division of labor (i.e. assembly line)
What is a liberal market economy? Particularly what is is known as, what does it value and what is it often criticized for?
Economic system in which private individual and firms, rather than the govt make the great majority of economic decisions
Known as capitalism (used by most western democracis)
Private enterprise is seen as important for individual freedom
Often criticized for its lack of attention to fairness and equal opportunity
Why is the US economy considered a mixed economy?
Because while business owners can hire whoever they want, they do have to abide by minimum wage laws and other laws in the govt. (i.e. for cars, there is emission requirements)
What is the circular flow model in a mixed economy?
the modern economy works through this model where the product market creates products for the household which can afford the products because they’re part of the resource market in creating the products. The govt gets involved by providing certain federal subsidies to businesses and households, buying cars for police, etc. and tax the people to pay for it
What is the main debate present with a mixed economy?
Debates over free market control and govt intervention
Why is there competition in economy?
Because firms seek to gain a larger portion of the market
What are advantages of increased competition? (2)
- Resources utilized most efficiently to produce goods most wanted by society
- Consumers pay lowest possible prices
What is Price Setting?
How different markets set their prices
How does a Liberal Market set prices?
“Free” competition creates the price equilibrium through supply and demand
How does a Socialist Market set prices?
Basic price ranges are set (variable cost) and competition determines the exact price
An example of this would be the Affordable Care Act that limits how much people have to pay for healthcare
How does a Communist Market set prices?
both production and consumption prices are set by the community (often the state); no profits
What is a price ceiling?
An artificial cap on the price of a good (i.e. rent control, a city could say that you can not charge more than x for rent)
This is shown below the equilibrium price on the Supply and Demand graph (opposite of what you would think)
A price ceiling results in ______ prices, but ______ wait times
lower, long
i.e. because rent control exists, tenants usually stay longer, meaning it might take longer to get into an apt
What is a price floor?
An artificially imposed minimum price (i.e. minimum wage, govt stepped in to say this is the least amount you can pay for someone to work)
This is shown above the equilibrium price on the Supply and Demand graph (opposite of what you would think)
What can a price floor result in?
Can result in labor surplus either because not enough people want those jobs or you can pick and choose what jobs you want
What occurred in the Great Depression to increase the price floor?
in the 1930’s during the Great Depression, the govt killed and set free livestock to bring prices up