.. Flashcards
Perpetuates the assignment of characteristics associated with women and men
Social institution
Influences gender roles socialization
Social institution
Mechanism of social control that maintains gender roles
Social institution
systematically structured in social institution, meaning that it is deeply embedded in the social structure of society
The development of GAD plan shall proceed from gender analysis of policies and programs review and collection of sex-disaggregated data and consultation with gender advocates and agency women.
General Appropriations Act
All departments including their attached agencies, offices, bureaus, SUCs, GOCCs, LGUs and other instrumentalities shall formulate a GAD plan designed to empower women and address gender issues
General Appropriations Act
GAD programs addressing gender issues and concerns shall be designed and implemented based on the mandate of NGA’s and
Magna Carta
All agencies, offices, bureaus, SUCs, GOCCs, LGUs and other government instrumentalities shall formulate their annual GAD plans, programs and budget within the context of their mandates” (Sec 37 A.1.a MCW IRR)
Magna Carta