스마트 시대 Flashcards
<period, time>
- 저는 그가 어린 시절 많은 역경에 부딪혔음에도 불구하고 그 시대를 선도하는 과학자 가운데 한 사람이 되었다는 것에 크게 감동 받았습니다.
- I was impressed that although he faced many difficulties as a young schoolboy, he became one of the leading scientists of his time.
< inside stuff, interior, flesh, inside, stomach>
- 정서적 성향 이론에 의하면, 영화 속 인물에 대한 개인의 평가는 시청 경험에 영향을 준다.
- According to the affective disposition theory, an individual’s evaluation of a movie character shapes their viewing experience.
<everyday life, routines>
- 새로워진힘으로다시돌아올수있으려면일상적인일에서가끔벗어나도록해라.
- Give yourself okay to occasionally ebb away from your chores, knowing that you will flow back to them again with renewed energy.
<equipment, instrument, device>
- 취침 미루기를 극복하려면, 무엇보다 자기 전에 전자기기 화면 보는 시간을 줄여야 한다.
- To overcome bedtime procrastination, you must first of all reduce the time you spend looking at electronic screens before going to bed
<technology, skill, technique, depiction>
- 마케팅과 이벤트 부서에 있으면서 강한 인상을 남기는 프레젠테이션 기술을 계발할 수 있었습니다.
- I was able to develop my skills on high impact presentations while being with marketing and events for quite a while.
<use, utilization, exploitation, use>
- 무료 이용권을 드릴 테니까 들어가서 시설들을 이용해 보시고 결정하세요.
- I’ll give you a free pass so that you can try out the facilities before you decide
<store, shop>
- 꼭 10년 사이에 그녀의 회사는 한 작은 상점에서 수백만 파운드의 제국으로 성장했다.
- In the space of just ten years her company has grown from one small shop to a multi-million-pound empire
- 문제를 미리 방지하지 않으면 쌓이기 마련
이라는 것이 저의 **경험**입니다.
- It's my experience that problems have a tendency to pile up if you don't nip them in the bud
- 어떤 일이 벌어질지 **예측하**려 하기보다 현재 주어진 과제에 다시 집중해야 한다고 봅니다.
- Rather than trying to predict what might happen, I think we should focus back to the issue at hand
<shine, light, color, complexion, look>
- 물과빛을적절하게주면,화초는건강하고튼튼하게자라게되고수명이오래갈것이다.
- With proper water and light, house plants will grow to be healthy and strong and have a long life
<shadow, silhouette, reflection, trace>
- 그는그림자 사람에게감시당하고있는것같은기분이들었지만,거기에는아무도없었습니다.
- He felt like he was being watched by a shadow person, but there was no one there
<being optimistic, being positive, being affirmative>
- 그러나긍정적인기분을지닌사람들은창의적인문제해결과같은다른영역에서더뛰어날수있다.
- But people with a positive mood may be better at other things such as creative problem solving
- 이런것이없으면의사결정에필요한모든요소를확인하고나중에**변화**할부분에대한분석을하는데더많은시간을쓰게됩니다.
- I end up spending more time checking on all the factors before making the decision and analyzing what could have been changed afterwards
<being contradictory,being negative>
- 기분 경제의 성장은 청년들이 부정적인 경험을 극복하고 행복을 추구하려 노력한다는 것을 시사한다.
- The growth of the mood economy suggests that young people are trying to overcome negative experiences and pursue happiness
<side effect, byproduct>
- 한편, 인터넷은 이와 더불어 여러 위험요소와 부정적인 부작용 또한 가져왔다.
- On the other hand, the Internet also brings with it a number of dangers and negative side-effects
<discuss, debate>
- 사후의 일에 관해 토의한 후, 몇몇 학생은 죽음의 현저함을 느끼고 슬퍼했다.
- After the class discussed what happens after death, some students felt a bit sad due to mortality salience
<current status, present situation>
- 그렇게 하면 아주 효율적으로 부품 현황을 알 수 있겠네요.
- That sounds like a very efficient way to keep track of everything.
- 게임의 **목적**은 이 공을 운동장 끝 부분의 상대팀 지역에 가져가는 것이다.
- The object of the game is to take this ball into the opposing team's area at the end of the field
~타인과의 소통
- 우리는더욱더많은시간을온라인에서뱅킹,쇼핑,그리고**타인들과소통**을하면서보낸다.
- More and more aspects of our lives now take place online, such as banking, shopping and communicating with other people
~정보 검색하다
<information search, search>
- 스마트 스피커는 검색 엔진과 연동돼 정보 검색에 매우 친화적이다.
- Smart speaker syncs with a search engine which makes it very search-friendly
~건강 관리
<health care, health management>
- 건강관리는인간의기본적인권리중한가지이다.고로부유한자가가난한자보다좋은의료해택을받아서는안된다.
- Health care is one of basic human rights, so the rich shouldn’t get better medical care than the poor
< target, subject, wealthy merchant, influential merchant>
- 그 다음 우리 상품이 누구를 대상으로 하는지 알아 보고, 시장 분석을 통해 수요를 창출하겠습니다.
- Then, I would look to see exactly whom we were targeting our products to and build that demand up through market analysis
~성인 남녀
<star, particular, specific»
<expression, representation>
~사물 인터넷
~인공 지능
<AI (artificial intelligence)>
~무인 단말기 (키오스크)
~(앱) 애플리케이션
<check, inspect,search, browse>
<input, entry>
<use, utilize,conjugate>
<forge, manipulate, make a counterfeit version,create>
~화면이 꺼지다
~공중전화 부스
<information, data>
<distinct characteristic, peculiarity, feature, signature, characteristic>
<useful, misuse, divert>
<construction, corporation, official and personal affairs, diplomatic representative>
<a little while ago, a moment ago>
<early, premature, arrive, reach, attain to, tell, let someone know, tell, say>
<stealthily, secretly, furtively,easily, effortlessly,slightly, lightly>
<fundamental,principle, law>
<learning, study>
<store, burial>
~설치를 막다
<manage, operate, run>
<take care of,cook, make>
<labor cost, personnel expense>
<most, all but, nearly, almost>
<shorten, reduce, lower, bring down>
<watching, city hall>
<Plaza, square, venue, place>
<situation, condition>
<relief, peace of mind, assurance, tenderloin>
<counterpart, the other person, the opposite party>
<speaker, narrator>
<device, apparatus, equipment, solution, measure>
<depiction, technology, skill, technique>
<home, family, assumption, supposition, proposition>
<rate, estimate>
<possible, able>
<relation, relationship, publication, issuingsalty seasoning, seasoning, saltiness, liver>
<contest, confrontation>
<conclusion, end, finale, eventually, finally, in the end>
<loss, defeat>
<receive, take, adopt, take, accept>
<article, driver, engineer, knight, Go player>
~회의 시간
<being paid, being charged>
<period, term, backbone, mainstay>
~출산율이 낮다
~시간이 이르다
<it’s early in time>
ability, capability, force, strong measure, strong action
shine, light, color, complexion, look
being poisoned,addiction
자료제공기관 input agency
자료 제공 materials offer
자료 제도 material system
자료 제시 presentation of data
자료 제시 유형 data presentation type
자료 제출 presentation of materials
analogy, compare, liken, use a simile, use a metaphor
age group
~복수 응답
multiple responses
particular, special
being at any time, being constant, being at one’s convenience
uneasy, anxious, uncertain, insecure
by far, much, a lot
touch, make physical contact, lay one’s hands on, set about, put one’s hand to, touch, sport with
business, things to do
quickness, rapidity, swiftness, expediting
overcome, conquest, subjugation
constraint, limitations, medicine production, being pharmaceutical
by oneself, for oneself, of one’s own accord
move, budge, be in motion, travel, go, be affected
unnecessarily, needlessly
~부서를 줄이다
reduce the number of departments
~효과를 얻다
obtain the effect
most, bulk, majority, largely
handle,treat, process
simplify, simple-minded,mere
simplify, plainly
~정보 격차
digital divide
poisonous, toxicity, addictive quality
~디지털 치매
Digital Dementia
~가짜 정보
~개인 정보 유출
Personal information leakage
~사생활 침해
invasion of privacy
~붕대를 감다/풀다
1.put a bandage (around), bandage (up)
2.unwrap a bandage
latest, newest, up-to-date