소비와 절약 Flashcards
reduction, economize, save
proper, honest
expend, pay out
tendency, inclination, propensity
consult, counsel
~돈을 모으다
save money
~충동구매를 하다
buy sth on impulse
person, man,looks, features,character
~과시 소비
conspicuous consumption
~충동 소비
impulse consumption
~모방 소비
imitation consumption
housing expenses, habitation expenses
communications services charge
utility bills
~의류 구입비
the cost of purchasing clothes
~돈이 들다
run into money, eat money, cost/pay
~돈이 나가다
be paid for, spend
expenses of eating out
waterworks, water supplies, sewerage, capital, ascetic practice
~전기 요금
electricity bill, power bill
~도서 구입비
Spending on books
payment for board and lodgings, rent
~알뜰 구매
thrift, frugal purchase
~계획적으로 소비하다
make a premeditated purchase
~현금으로 지불하다
regret, feel remorse, repent
be crowded, be jam-packed with
cultural expenses
~기간 내에
within period
payment, pay
pocket money, allowance
income, earning, revenue
~가계부를 쓰다
sort out the family budget
frugal, thrifty,warm, tender, deep
decide,define,make up, set, straight, upright, right, righteous, clean, neat
~그러기를 바란다
I hope so
~돈을 벌다⁷
make[earn] money
By item
~금액을 정해 놓다
set a price
personal details
~장을 보다
do grocery shopping, shop for groceries
all the time, every time
these days, nowadays, lately, fortress
way back from work
pine for, miss
sleepy, drowsy, tightened
beg, pester, suffocate, tighten
hold,own, possess, keep,have
to be held in honor/respect, pay one’s dues,
asset, property
simplicity, thrifty, frugal, plain
expression, representation
~미소를 잃다
lose smile
~시설이 좋다
Have a good facility
insist, persist
grow, develop, expand
performance, efficiency
~추억이 떠오다
brings old memories, recalls old memories
attired appearance, outfit
~머리를 맑게 하다
sweep away/clear the cobwebs, clean the fuzz out of head
endure, withstand, fight back, be patient, suppress, control, withstand
neighborhood, village
thin,light, pale
~목이 마르다
~안아 주다
) ~고르다
~지출 합계
~공동 구매를 하다
~물물 교환 하다
~계획을 세우다
~손이 작다
~귀가 얇다
~씀씀이가 크다
~정보 수정
~중고품을 사고팔다
~물물 교환을 하다
~적금을 들다
~적금을 타다
~지역 사이트를 이용하다
~마음이 먹다
~소리에 깨다
~존경을 받다
~이성에 눈을 뜨다
~올병을 앓고 있다
~동전이 생기다
~손이 크다
~입을 열다
~흥분을 하다
~설사를 하다
~연 받다
~잠을 설치다
~품목을 정해 놓다
~신용 불량자
~이익을 얻다
~적정 소비
~에 불과하다
black sheep, trouble-maker
stubbornly, obstinately, tenaciously