第四課 - 談談地理吧 Flashcards
- 包裹
Bāo gûo
N: Parcel
2.a. 收到
Shōu dào
Rc: To receive
I received a notice from the school to know that I got the scholarship.
- b. 收起來
r. c: 天氣涼了,夏天的衣服可以收起來了,明年再拿出來穿。
Shōu qî lái
Rc: to put away
The weather is cool, the summer clothes can be put away, and then come out to wear next year.
2.c. 收
V: 我的房東每個月10號來收房租
V: to collect, gather, receive
On the 10th of every month my landlord collect the rent.
- 簡訊
Jiân xùn
N: text message from a cell phone
My classmates sent me a text message wishing me happy birthday. I immediately replied, thank you.
- 掛號
VO: 1. 我媽給我記了個包裹,你面有吃的,也有穿的。因為是掛,應該不會丟,可是怎麼還沒到?
- 在台灣,去看病的時候,要先掛號,拿到號碼,再醫生的房間外面等。
Gùa hào
VO: to register
- My mother gave me a parcel, with food , but also clothes. Because it is registered, it should not be lost, but how haven’t you received it yet?
- In Taiwan, to see a doctor, first register, get a number, and then wait outside the doctor’s room.
- 原來
A: 1. 老王原來住在北京,現在搬到上海去了。
- 原來李先生是中國人,難怪他的中文怎麼好!
Yuán lái
A: originally, formerly, at first, it turns out that…
- Mr. Wang is originally from Beijing, now he is moving to Shanghai.
- It turns out that Mr. Lee is Chinese, so no wonder his Chinese is so good!
- 郵票
N: 這封信,我要寄到德國,五毛錢的郵票,夠不夠?
Yóu piào
N: postage stamp
I want to send this letter to Germany. Is a 5 dollar stamp enough?
- 指
V: point
Please point to which car is yours?
- 博物館
bó wù guân
N: museum
- 參觀
Cān guān
V: to visit ( a place, exhibition, etc…)
- 以為
Yî wéi
V: to think, to assume
- 島
N: 日本是一個島國,北還有很多小島。
n: island
12.a. 除了…以外
PT:1. 除了你以外,人人都知道明天要考試。
2. 除了中文以外,我還會說法文。
Chú lė…yî wài
PT: besides, except for
12.b. 除
V: to divide