שופטים Flashcards
What is the difference between שופטים and שוטרים?
דברים, ט״ז:י״ח, רש״י ד״ה שופטים ושוטרים
The שופטים are the judges, who decide who decide the דין (verdict), and the שוטרים are “law enforcement officials,” who hit and “bind” the guilty party (after the judges’ order) until they accept the verdict.
What does ״בכל שעריך״ mean?
דברים, ט״ז:י״ח, רש״י ד״ה בכל שעריך
In every city- בכל עיר ועיר.
Why does the תורה say לשבטיך after it talks about appointing שופטים and שוטרים in every city?
(דברים פרק ט״ז:י״ח, רש״י ד״ה לשבטיך-א׳ וב׳)
Because you should appoint them not only in every city, but for every שבט as well. (This word לשבטיך is part of the phrase of
תתן לך, even though it may not seem so because it is later in the פסוק).
What do we learn from the words ושפטו את העם משפט צדק״?”
דברים ט״ז:י״ח, רש״י ד״ה ושפטו את העם וגו׳
You should appoint judges who are expert and righteous- so that they will judge justly.
What does לא תטה משפט mean?
דברים ט״ז:י״ח, רש״י ד״ה לא תטה משפט
Do not pervert justice.
Can a דיין be מכיר פנים (show favoritism) to someone, even in the time when pleas are being given? Why or why not?
דברים, ט״ז:י״ט, רש״י ד״ה לא תכיר פנים)
No- because when one sees that the judge he is favoring his opponent more than him, he will not plead his case any more (because he will ink that it will not make any difference).
May a judge take a bribe, even if he is planning to judge justly (in favor of the person giving the bribe) anyway?
(דברים ט״ז:י״ט, רש״י ד״ה ולא תקח שחד)
How does שחד blind true judgements?
דברים ט״ז:י״ט, רש״י ד״ה כי השחד יעור
Once the judge accepts the bribe from somebody, it is virtually impossible for the judge not to favor him and not judge in his favor.
What does ״דברי צדיקים״ mean?
דברים ט״ז:י״ט, רש״י ד״ה דברי צדיקים
Just words (דברים המוצדקים) or true judgements (משפטי אמת).
What do we learn from the words ״צדק צדק תרדוף״?
דברים ט״ז:כ, רש״י ד״ה צדק צדק תרדוף
Find (“seek out”) a good court.
What is the appointment of good (fair and just) judges enough to merit?
(דברים ט״ז:כ, רש״י ד״ה למען תחיה וירשת)
To keep בני ישראל alive and in their land.
May one plant an אשרה (on הר הבית) even if he will joy worship it? Why?
(דברים ט״ז:כ״א, רש״י ד״ה לא תטע לך אשרה)
No- the איסור is even on planting it.
Where and to whom does the איסור of planting an אשרה or any other tree apply?
(דברים ט״ז:כ״א, רש״י ד״ה לא תטע לך אשרה כל עץ אצל מזבח ה’ אלקיך)
It applies to one who plants an אשרה, any tree or a house on
הר הבית.
What type of מצבה (according to רש״י) does the איסור of
“ולא תקים לך מצבה” forbid for one to build? May you build it even to bring a קרבן to ה׳ on it?
(דברים ט״ז:כ״ב, רש״י ד״ה ולא תקים לך מצבה)
The איסור applies to making a מצבה of any amount of stones (even one). One may not build this type of מצבה, even if he was building it to be מקריב a קרבן for ה׳.
If ה׳ commanded us to make a מזבח אבנים and מזבח אדמה, why can’t we make a מצבה of stone (just as the שלושה אבות often did)?
Because this became a statute of the כנענים for עבודה זרה (over time). Thus, ה׳ hated this and commanded בני ישראל not to commit this action.
When talking about the איסור of bringing the a קרבן with a מום, about what does the phrase ״וכל דבר רע״ warn?
(דברים י״ז:א, רש״י ד״ה לא תזבח וגו’ כל דבר רע)
It warns about פגול