כי תצא Flashcards
When the תורה says ״,כי תצא למלחמה על איביך, ונתנו ה׳…״ is it
talking about the war to take over ארץ ישראל, or another war? Explain.
(דברים כ״א:י׳, רש״י ד״ה כי תצא למלחמה)
No. It is talking about a מלחמת הרשות, or optional war (and the war to take over ארץ ישראל is obligatory). We know it is not talking about the מלחמת ארץ ישראל because it says here ״ושבית שביו״, and regarding מלחמת ארץ ישראל it already said ״.לא תחיה כל נשמה״ Therefore, this פסוק cannot be talking about מלחמת ארץ ישראל because if we were already commanded not to let anyone live, there can not be any captives taken (which is the case in our פסוק).