פרק ט Flashcards
Why did Elisha send one of his disciples instead of himself on this mission? Who did he send?
He sent Yonah so people wouldn’t recognize him.
What was the mission?
To anoint Yehu
Explain חגור מתניך acc. To Rashi
This term means to ready yourself for a dangerous mission and do it with zrizus.
What must Yonah do once he arrives in Ramat Gilad?
He must find Yehu and bring him to an inner chamber/room and take a jug of oil and annoying him then flee.
What did Yonah tell Yehu once he anointed him?
Hashem said to anoint you as King of yisrael.
What does the posuk say his first mission was?
והיכתי את בית אחאב אדינך והקמתי דמי עבדי ה׳ מיד איזבל
What was commandment regarding Izevel?
The dogs will eat her flesh and she won’t be buried
What did Yehu’s servant’s ask him?
Who was this meshuga and did he want?
What was Yehu’s answer, in Hebrew?
כזאת וכזאת אמר אלי… משחתיך למלך על ישראל.
What are the two things the servant’s do in response to this?
They put clothes under him and blew a shofar saying long live the king, Yehu!
What does the watchman do when he sees Yehu coming?
He alerts Yehoram
What do Yehoram and Achazia do now?
They set out in their chariots to Yehu. When Yehoram realizes that Yehu has not come for peace, he flees and and encourages Achazia to do the same.
What does Yehu do when Yehoram and Achazia are running away?
He shoots his bow and it hits Yehoram in his shoulders, making it come out the other side, through his heart.
What was this Mida cneged Mida?
U didn’t have a heart and wanted to take the son of the widow of Ovadia as a repayment for debt so I killed you through your heart.
Where does Yehu command his captain to throw Yehoram and why there?
In the field of Navos because his father killed an innocent man to get his field.
What does Achazia do when he saw Yehoram being killed?
He ran away but Yehu’s servant’s caught him and killed him.
The period of Achazias reign is repeated to emphasize…
He only reigned for one year because he was wicked.
Where does Yehu come to next?
Yazriel, the palace of Izevel.
What does Izevel do?
Put on make up and adorns herself so maybe will marry her.
What does Yehu command the queens courtiers to do? (Rashi of שמטוה) why would he do that?
Push her out the window. He did it for Mida cneged Mida, she caused Navos to be stoned.
After pushing her put the window, what does Yehu do? (Radak on וירמסנה)
He tramples on her with his horse, corresponding to second part of skilla.
What does Yehu do after trampling her?
Goes inside to eat and drink.
What did Yehu’s men see when they went to bury her?
Her skull, feet and palms. Because she lived next to a market place and when she heard there was a wedding, she would shake her head, clap her hands and move her feet and if there was a funeral, she showed grief.