פרק ד Flashcards
- מאנשי בני הנביאים Who is this woman?{Rashi}
The wife of Avadia.
Who was the wicked creditor who wanted to take the wife of Ovadia’s two children for his slaves?{Rashi}
Yehoram Ben Achav
Why did Elisha ask Obadiah’s wife for something to perform the miracle on?
The Zohar teaches us that Hashem’s blessing rests on something already existing.
Why must the wife of Ovadia close the door?{Rashi}
Dignity of a miracle is if it comes in secret
What is the meaning of כמליאת הכלים?
When the vessels for filling the oils were full, she goes to ask her sons to bring the broken vessels, she said: “The one who makes miracles can also fix broken vessels.”
Translate the Rashi of ויעמוד השמן and explain.
The oil stood/stopped, A) The miracle stopped B) The price of oil went up so widow sold oil for money.
How does Rashi explain the phrase ושם אשה גדולה
She’s important and she’s a sister of Avishag the shunamis.
Explain according to Rashi ויהי מדי עברו
In that city, he stopped at her house to eat bread.
What did the esha shunamis build for Elisha?
A permanent structure in her house with a chair, table, lamp, bed. Mi-mita, sh- shulchan, k-kisai, n-ner=Mishkan.
What was Elisha’s servant’s name?
What does Elisha ask gaychazi to ask the woman?
What can I do for you? Because she did so much for me.
What was the esha shunamis reply when gaychazi asked her what she needed?
She answered “no I don’t need anything”
What information does gaychazi tell Elisha after the esha shunamis says she needs nothing?
That she doesn’t have any children and her husband is getting older.
What does Elisha tell her here?
In a year you will be holding a baby.
What does the the esha shunamis think when Elisha blesses her?
She has a feeling that the babay will be her dead son.
What hasppened to the esha shunamis son in the field?
His head was sore and his father told the maidservant to take him to his mother and he died.
What does the esha shunamis do with her dead baby?
She puts him on Elishas bed.
What do we learn from her husband saying today isn’t yom tov and today isn’t Shabbos?
It was customary to visit your Rebbe on these days.
What does the esha shunamis do when Elisha comes{after her baby died}?
She falls on Elishas feet.
What does Elisha instruct gaychazi to do after the baby dies?
Take my staff, don’t greet anyone and put my staff on the face of the baby.
What is the significance of the staff?
Miracles were often preformed through a staff.
After Gaychazi goes with the staff, what does the esha shunamis urgently request of Elisha?
To please go with her and personally revive the baby.
What does it mean “there is no voice and there is no movement?
Gaychazi returned to Elisha from checking the boy and said
What does the esha shunamis do when Elisha comes{after her baby died}?
She falls on Elisha’s feet.