Работа, сотрудничество Flashcards
keep (kept, kept) /kiːp/
хранить, оставлять себе, держать
задерживать, отвлекать
You can keep that dress if you like it.
He borrowed my bike and kept it all week.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Don’t let me keep you from your work.
provide /prəʊˈvaɪd/
предоставлять, обеспечивать
This booklet provides useful information about local services.
It’s a new scheme to provide schools with free computers.
lead (led, led) /liːd/
вести, показывать путь
быть впереди, лидировать
We followed a path that led us up the mountain.
You lead and we’ll follow.
They were leading by 11 points at half-time.
create /kriˈeɪt/
The project will create more than 500 jobs.
The snow created further problems.
serve /sɜːv/
обслуживать, служить, состоять на службе
We’re not allowed to serve alcohol to anyone under 18.
He served his country – Он служил своей стране
develop /dɪˈveləp/
развивать(ся), разрабатывать, создавать
The baby develops inside the mother for nine months.
He’s developing into a very good tennis player.
I develop software – Я разрабатываю компьютерные программы
Develop your talent – Развивай свой талант
realize /ˈrɪəlaɪz/
осознавать, ясно понимать,
осуществлять замысел/мечту/достигать цели и т. д.
продавать, реализовывать
I suddenly realized I’d met him before.
He had realized all his ambitions by the age of 30.
to realize your assets
fail /feɪl/
терпеть неудачу, выходить из строя, отказывать
check /tʃek/
проверять, выяснять, просить разрешения
Have you checked your facts?
I’ll check whether Peter knows about the party.
I’d like to stay overnight, but I need to check with my parents.
design /dɪˈzaɪn/
She designs furniture.
to design a building – проектировать здание
claim /kleɪm/
заявлять, утверждать
требовать что-либо
She claimed that the dog attacked her.
He claims to have seen a ghost.
She claimed $2,500 in travel expenses.
establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/
основывать, устанавливать связь/отношения и т. д.
The brewery was established in 1822.
The two countries have only recently established diplomatic relations.
maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/
поддерживать, содержать
The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region.
A large house is very expensive to maintain.
apply /əˈplaɪ/
подавать заявление, применять(ся)
I’ve applied for a job.
He has applied to several companies.
The same method can be applied to other situations.
manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/
справляться, руководить, управлять
Will you be able to manage on your own?
He used to manage the bookshop on King Street.
perform /pəˈfɔːm/
играть, исполнять (пьесу, музыку и т. д.)
выполнять, делать
The orchestra will perform music by Mozart.
In the future, many tasks will be performed by robots.
Surgeons performed the operation in less than two hours.
sign /saɪn/
He signs his letters ‘Prof. James D. Nelson’.
to sign a contract/treaty
increase /ɪnˈkriːs/
Eating fatty food increases the risk of heart disease.
Exports of computers have increased by 15% since January.
increased demand/competition
decrease /dɪˈkriːs/
During the summer months, rainfall decreases.