Движение Flashcards
bring (brought, brought) /brɪŋ/
Did you bring an umbrella with you?
My dog brought me a bone – Моя собака принесла мне кость
I need to bring the books back – Мне нужно вернуть книги (принести назад)
appear /əˈpɪər/
verb [ I ]
Someone appeared in the window – Кто-то появился в окне
disappear /ˌdɪsəˈpɪər/
They all disappeared – Они все исчезли
leave (left, left) /liːv/
уходить, покидать
Leave! Just leave! – Уходи! Просто уходи!
All the passengers left the train – Все пассажиры вышли из поезда
raise /reɪz/
to raise your hand
to raise prices/taxes
carry /ˈkæri/
He was carrying a bag – Он нес сумку
I carried her teddy bear upstairs – Он отнес наверх ее плюшевого медвежонка
lie (lay, lain) /laɪ/
лежать в/на и т. д., находиться ниже/в/на/к и т. д.
to lie in bed
The river lies 30 km to the south of the city.
Don’t lie to me! – Не лги мне!
wear (wore, worn) /weər/
носить, быть одетым во что-либо
I wear jeans a lot of the time.
She wears glasses.
I don’t usually wear make-up for work.
step /step/
делать шаг назад/вперед/перешагивать через и т. д.
наступать на/во что-либо
She stepped carefully over the dog.
I accidentally stepped on her foot.
slip /slɪp/
She slipped on the ice and broke her ankle.
ride /raɪd/
ездить (на лошади, велосипеде или мотоцикле)
I ride my bike to work.
She taught me to ride (= to ride a horse).
lift /lɪft/
Could you help me lift this table, please?
She lifted the baby up and put him in his chair.
approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/
The train now approaching platform 2 is the 5.35 to London, Kings Cross.
Christmas is fast approaching.
cross /krɒs/
пересекать, переходить
It’s not a good place to cross the road.
drag /dræɡ/
волочить, тащить что-либо
The table was too heavy to lift, so we had to drag it across the room.
accompany /əˈkʌmpəni/
verb [ T ]
We accompanied her back to her hotel.
advance /ədˈvɑːns/
продвигать(ся), наступать
He moved to New York with hopes of advancing his career.
Rebel soldiers advanced on the capital.
move /muːv/
переезжать, двигать(ся), передвигать(ся)
Eventually, he moved to Germany.
She’s moving into a new apartment.
We moved the chairs to another room.
Someone was moving around upstairs.
Turn sth on/off
включать/выключать что-либо
Ben turned the TV on.
How do you turn the computer off?
turn out
— phrasal verb with turn verb
оказываться кем-то
He turned out to be a traitor – Он оказался предателем.
gather /ˈɡæðər/
собирать, собирать(ся) (группой),
Crowds of fans gathered at the stadium for the big match.
They interviewed 1000 people to gather data on TV viewing habits.