Learn Industrial Relation
Study Industrial Relation using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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User Generated flashcards
By: Bob Villa
interfaculty transport of patients between theater MTF, pain, anxiety, and delirium, war wounds: debridement and irrigation ...24Decks371Flashcards1Learner -
Vocabulaire Anglais
Vocabulaire Anglais
By: Romain Goubé
Lettre A, Lettre B, Lettre C ...33Decks243Flashcards1Learner -
By: Karlo Sison
1 - US Healthcare System, 2 - Private Health Insurance, 3 - Public Healthcare Financing ...20Decks354Flashcards4Learners -
By: Suzanne Flynn
Chapter 1 - People In Business, Chapter 2 - Consumer Conflict, Chapter 3 - Industrial Relations Conflict3Decks52Flashcards2Learners -
CAIA Formulas
CAIA Formulas
By: Scott Anderson
2.3 - Quantitative Foundations, 2.4 - Statistical Foundations, 2.5 Measures of Risk and Performance ...27Decks126Flashcards121Learners -
A-Level Russia: Revolution and Dictatorship
A-Level Russia: Revolution and Dictatorship
By: Ellie Forster
★ Introduction to Russia, ★ The Tsar and the Tsarist forms of Government, ★ 1905 Revolution ...31Decks354Flashcards3Learners -
By: Mrs Cherryman-Clark
GCSE OCR Business Studies A292 - Communication & Industrial relations, GCSE OCR Business Studies A292 - Employment laws, GCSE OCR Business Studies A292 - Training ...16Decks131Flashcards57Learners -
British History 1951-79
British History 1951-79
By: Tilly Gant
Post-war consensus and domestic policies, Britain and the EEC 1970s, Internal labour divisions ...36Decks370Flashcards3Learners -
By: angel hunter
Britian- Politics, Britian Acts, Britain- Recession ...20Decks168Flashcards2Learners -
Learning Outcome One
Learning Outcome One
By: Miss Hyett
Importance of the Hair and Beauty Sector, Hair and Beauty Businesses, Business Ownerships ...5Decks36Flashcards3Learners -
Business Management
Business Management
By: Emily Stevens
UNIT 1: 1.1 What is a business?, UNIT 1: 1.2 Types of business entities, UNIT 1: 1.3 Business objectives ...13Decks164Flashcards1Learner -
By: Kenneth Yau
Psychiatry SC087: Eating Disorder, Psychiatry SC086: I Heard Those Newer Drugs Are Better Than My Current Psychiatric Medications, Diagnostic Radiology SC085: Radiology Of Common Medical And Surgical Problems ...87Decks1,903Flashcards1Learner -
Hospitality and catering
Hospitality and catering
By: o o
AC 1.1, AC 1.1 Jobs and roles in the industry, A1.2 ...13Decks119Flashcards4Learners -
1990 - 1997
1990 - 1997
By: Leah Gill
Labour in Opposition, Economy (+ industrial relations), Elections ...7Decks71Flashcards1Learner -
Guide enquête - partie #1 - La formation de la fédération canadienne
Guide enquête - partie #1 - La formation de la fédération canadienne
By: Héloïse Audifax Gauthier
Acte d'Union - Rébellions des Patriotes, Économie coloniale, Gouvernement ...22Decks141Flashcards4Learners -
By: Honor Burke
ECONOMY AND SOCIETY: Stage Two Collectivisation, DISSENT AND REVOLUTION: Russia Before The Revolution, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY: The Success Of Collectivisation ...30Decks491Flashcards1Learner -
Shop Theory [Finalized!]
Shop Theory [Finalized!]
By: Billy Cho
[D2L] 101A, [D2L] 101A-2, [D2L] 101B ...23Decks407Flashcards1Learner -
IND 300
IND 300
By: Jonathan Bell
McQuarrie Chapter 2 - Theories of Industrial Relations, McQuarrie Chapter 3 - History of the Canadian Union Movement, McQuarrie Chapter 4 - The Structure of Canadian Unions ...4Decks51Flashcards3Learners -
Animal Breeding B
Animal Breeding B
By: Ciara OSullivan
B1: Domestication of cattle, micro-evolutionary consequences, related species, interspecies hybrids., B2: Main reproduction of features of cattle, and most important bovine genetic diseases, B3: Breeding methods in cattle production: purebred breeding, crossbreeding ...20Decks299Flashcards3Learners -
IND 300 (Enrique)
IND 300 (Enrique)
By: Enrique Melo
Schermerhorn Chapter 5: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, McQuarrie Chapter 1 - Industrial Relations2Decks34Flashcards2Learners -
Int. and EU Environmental Law
Int. and EU Environmental Law
By: Fanny Olden Aglen
Legal foundation of IEL and EUEL, IEL and EUEL - regulatory approaches, Principles of Int. end EU environmental law ...13Decks91Flashcards2Learners -
1K The making of a Superpower: USA, 1865–1975
1K The making of a Superpower: USA, 1865–1975
By: Harry Bhagania
1865- 1890 The weaknesses of Federal Government: Johnson, Grant and the failue of Radical Reconstruction, 1865- 1890 The politics of the Gilded Age and the era of weak presidents; political corruption., 1865- 1890 Economic Growth and rise in corporations; railways; oil; developments in agriculture and urbanisation. ...23Decks401Flashcards16Learners -
By: Katy Leeder
Additive Manufacturing, AMES Solutions, Sales Lingo ...4Decks27Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE Food Tech
GCSE Food Tech
By: Alfie Ryan
Job Roles In the Hospitality and Catering Industry, Employment Right and Contracts, Environmental Factors ...8Decks93Flashcards1Learner -
CIPS L4M1 - Scope & Influence of Procurement & Supply
CIPS L4M1 - Scope & Influence of Procurement & Supply
By: Chelsea B
1.1 - Compare the concepts of procurement & supply chain management, 1.2 - Analyse the different sources of added value in procurement & supply, 1.3 - Describe the categories of spend that an organisation may purchase ...17Decks481Flashcards3Learners -
By: Ieva Kačerauskytė
1 Enterprise, 2.1 Economic sectors, 2.2 Business ownership ...60Decks396Flashcards2Learners -
History: Russia
History: Russia
By: Maciej Zagdan
The condition of Russia before the revolution of February/March 1917, The February/March revolution of 1917, Developments between the revolutions of 1917 ...24Decks116Flashcards4Learners -
By: lulu davies
Mintzberg (C4 - Positioning), Mintzberg (C7 - Learning), Strategy Safari ...20Decks112Flashcards7Learners -
Russian history
Russian history
By: Ellie Mayhew-Smith
The civil war, Condition of Russia before the revolution, The power vacuum and power struggle ...17Decks242Flashcards1Learner -
Unit 6: Thatcher and the end of consensus
Unit 6: Thatcher and the end of consensus
By: Isobel Harris
Why did Thatcher inspire such passionate support and hatred?, How successful was Thatcher's management of her Cabinet?, Why did Thatcher win three general elections? ...7Decks222Flashcards1Learner