Tags: Entrance Exams, GCSE AQA Exam Boards, GCSE Exams, GCSE French - AQA
Revise GCSE AQA French
Do you need revision materials for your GCSE AQA French? Our adaptive notecards can help you! Study today by downloading the app.
Brainscape Certified flashcards
Learn 4 years' worth of French in just a few months with Brainscape’s French language flashcards.
124Decks15,535Flashcards802,688Learners -
GCSE Religious Studies - Edexcel Route A
GCSE Religious Studies - Edexcel Route A
Over 900 efficient flashcards to supplement official GSCE resources and other services.
10Decks702Flashcards1,777Learners -
GCSE Religious Studies - Eduqas Route B
GCSE Religious Studies - Eduqas Route B
Over 400 efficient flashcards to supplement official GSCE resources and other services.
11Decks429Flashcards1,557Learners -
GCSE Geography - AQA
GCSE Geography - AQA
Over 900 efficient flashcards to supplement official GSCE resources and other services.
15Decks952Flashcards8,329Learners -
GCSE Religious Studies - Edexcel Route B
GCSE Religious Studies - Edexcel Route B
Over 600 efficient flashcards to supplement official GSCE resources and other services.
7Decks630Flashcards1,404Learners -
AP® French
AP® French
Covering the official College Board test plan, Barron's, Kaplan & other AP French prep providers.
22Decks5,515Flashcards13,772Learners -
GCSE Religious Studies - Eduqas Route A
GCSE Religious Studies - Eduqas Route A
Over 500 efficient flashcards to supplement official GSCE resources and other services.
User Generated flashcards
AQA GCSE french- complet
AQA GCSE french- complet
By: choc snaps
unit 1Family, unit 1 numbers, unit 1 important words and adjectives ...28Decks1,233Flashcards330Learners -
7FR4 French exam 2024
7FR4 French exam 2024
By: Aurelia Nadal
OUP Year 1 1.1 - La vie de couple: nouvelles tendances, OUP Year 1 1.2 - Monoparentalité, homoparentalité, familles recomposées, OUP Year 1 1.3 - Grands-parents, parents et enfants: soucis et problèmes ...74Decks2,834Flashcards24Learners -
AQA GCSE French Higher
AQA GCSE French Higher
By: Jack Sinclair
1.1F - E/F, 1.1F - F/E, 1.1H - E/F ...60Decks1,507Flashcards47Learners -
GCSE AQA French 2000 Vocab List
GCSE AQA French 2000 Vocab List
By: Neeraj RAJEEV
Comparisons, Conjunctions and Connectives, Prepositions ...36Decks2,067Flashcards32Learners -
AS-Level French (AQA)
AS-Level French (AQA)
By: Amy Anderson
Unit 1 Knowledge Organiser - La famille en voie de changement, Unit 2 Knowledge Organiser - La « cyber-société », Unit 3 Knowledge Organiser - Le rôle de bénévolat ...30Decks1,957Flashcards24Learners -
French AQA GCSE (Foundation)
French AQA GCSE (Foundation)
By: Christal Chothi
Theme 1, Unit 1: Ma famille et moi, Ma famille et mes amis, On se marie? ...37Decks869Flashcards17Learners -
French Collection- GCSE AQA Vocabulary
French Collection- GCSE AQA Vocabulary
By: Litsëwen Nindari
Aller Conjugations, Faire Conjugations, Avoir Conjugations ...37Decks742Flashcards2Learners -
AQA French A level
AQA French A level
By: Ciara Millington
FAIT DIVERS, Au Revoir Les Enfants, ARLE VOCAB ...42Decks1,396Flashcards31Learners -
French A-Level AQA
French A-Level AQA
By: Emma A
Le conditionnel, irregular stems, Tricky Words, French phrases ...37Decks1,046Flashcards4Learners -
A-Level French (AQA)
A-Level French (AQA)
By: Amy Anderson
1.1 - L'enrichissement dû à la mixité ethnique (VOCABULAIRE), 1.2 - Diversité, tolérance et respect (VOCABULAIRE), 1.3 - Diversité - un apprentissage pour la vie (VOCABULAIRE) ...20Decks1,750Flashcards68Learners -
French AS Level (AQA)
French AS Level (AQA)
By: christine collins
Transition 1.1, AS 1.2, AS 1.3 ...23Decks607Flashcards163Learners -
AQA French Higher Vocabulary
AQA French Higher Vocabulary
By: Daisy Carville
1.2, 1.1, 2.2 ...21Decks1,055Flashcards101Learners -
AQA French A Level Year 2
AQA French A Level Year 2
By: christine collins
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ...18Decks1,057Flashcards62Learners -
By: S Patel
Environment, Want - important, Opinions ...19Decks601Flashcards162Learners -
French GCSE AQA Vocab
French GCSE AQA Vocab
By: Christal Chothi
Key AQA GCSE Vocab (Instructions), Key AQA GCSE Vocab (Comparisons, Conjunctions and Connectives), Key AQA GCSE Vocab (Prepositions and Negatives) ...17Decks723Flashcards14Learners -
AQA French A level
AQA French A level
By: Immaculee Goumba Anga
La Famille en Voie de Changement, La "cyber-société", Le rôle du bénévolat ...12Decks480Flashcards44Learners -
By: Freddie CLIFFE
1.1F Ma famille et mes amis, 1.1H La famille et l'amitiè, 1.2F Tu aimerais te marier? ...18Decks466Flashcards2Learners -
French Revolution No.1
French Revolution No.1
By: molly oliver
Chapter 1: Louis XVI As King, Chapter 1: The Government Of The Ancien Régime, Chapter 1: Social Divisions, Privileges And Burdens ...35Decks704Flashcards3Learners -
French GCSE (AQA Foundation)
French GCSE (AQA Foundation)
By: Lexi White
Me, my family & friends (1), Free-time activities (1), Technology (1) ...14Decks1,133Flashcards1Learner -
FRENCH AQA theme-based vocab
FRENCH AQA theme-based vocab
By: Zenab Sohail Me, my family and friends****, Technology in everyday life****, Free-time activities**** ...12Decks857Flashcards31Learners -
AQA French GCSE - High Frequency Words
AQA French GCSE - High Frequency Words
By: Marcus Eden-Haigh
Nouns, Extra Vocab, Verbs ...6Decks187Flashcards76Learners -
GCSE French AQA Vocab
GCSE French AQA Vocab
By: Anna Gunstone
Comparisons, Conjunctions and Connectives, Negatives ...13Decks327Flashcards51Learners -
GCSE French AQA Higher Tier
GCSE French AQA Higher Tier
By: Stephen Cretu-Ward
Comparisons, Conjunctions & Connectives, Prepositions ...23Decks630Flashcards1Learner -
French (Know It)
French (Know It)
By: Charlotte Stratton
Key Verbs- Future, Question Words, Adjectives ...8Decks227Flashcards2Learners -
French AQA A-Level Year 1 & AS
French AQA A-Level Year 1 & AS
By: Shivani Pankhania
1 - La famille en voie de changement, 2 - La « cyber-société », 3 - Le rôle du bénévolat ...6Decks539Flashcards51Learners -
AQA GCSE French Higher - Studio Book Vocab
AQA GCSE French Higher - Studio Book Vocab
By: Lexi Nwabueze
M1 | La famille - Family members, M1 | Les adjectifs de personnalité - Personality adjectives, M1 | Ma description physique - My physical description ...24Decks447Flashcards3Learners -
FRENCH AQA spec vocab
FRENCH AQA spec vocab
By: Zenab Sohail Comparisons****, Conjunctions and connectives****, Prepositions**** ...19Decks442Flashcards9Learners -
AQA AS French
AQA AS French
By: Edward Lancaster
1.1 - Family - French to English, 1.2 - Family - English to French, 2.1 - Technology - French to English ...12Decks1,438Flashcards1Learner -
AQA AS level French
AQA AS level French
By: Hibah Ali
La famille en voie de changement, Une culture fière de son patrimoine, Le rôle du Bénévolat ...6Decks430Flashcards8Learners -
Aqa History French Revolution
Aqa History French Revolution
By: Lukas Ehrlich
Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 12 ...9Decks200Flashcards6Learners
Entrance Exams
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GCSE AQA Exam Boards
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GCSE Edexcel Exam Boards
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GCSE English Language
GCSE English Literature
GCSE French
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GCSE OCR Exam Boards
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GCSE Psychology
GCSE Religious Studies
GCSE Science
GCSE Sociology
GCSE Spanish
GCSE Statistics
- GCSE Biology - AQA
- GCSE Business - AQA
- GCSE Chemistry - AQA
- GCSE Combined Science - AQA
- GCSE Computer Science - AQA
- GCSE English - AQA
- GCSE English Literature - AQA
- GCSE French - AQA
- GCSE Geography - AQA
- GCSE German - AQA
- GCSE History - AQA
- GCSE Music - AQA
- GCSE Physical Education - AQA
- GCSE Physics - AQA
- GCSE Religious Studies - AQA
- GCSE Science - AQA
- GCSE Sociology - AQA