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By: Aeyen Winsor
Social Influence: Majority Influence, Research Methods : Aims and Hypothesis, Research Methods : Types of Experiments ...79Decks1,371Flashcards4Learners -
By: K G
Sleep and Dreams, Conformity and Obedience, Dement and kleitman ...8Decks95Flashcards1Learner -
By: Matthew Wood
Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Conformity ...8Decks96Flashcards1Learner -
Social Influence (1)^
Social Influence (1)^
By: Zara Hi
Zimbardo^, Asch^, Social Psychological Exp. of Obedience^ ...9Decks96Flashcards1Learner -
social influence
social influence
By: Huda ibz
zimbardo, aschs study, milgram, situational variables ...8Decks177Flashcards1Learner -
Unit 1: Psychology IAL
Unit 1: Psychology IAL
By: Dave Buckley
Obedience, Milgram Obedience, Obedience Situation Factors and Culture ...18Decks844Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology- Social influence
Psychology- Social influence
By: Evie Martin
conformity: types and explanations, conformity: Asch’s research, conformity to social roles: Zimbardo’s research ...11Decks176Flashcards1Learner -
social influence a level psychology
social influence a level psychology
By: Liberty Heaslip
conformity, asch's research, conformity to social roles: zimbardo's study ...11Decks105Flashcards1Learner -
A Level Psychology: Social Influence (P1 - sA)
A Level Psychology: Social Influence (P1 - sA)
By: HyunJoo J.
1. Types of Conformity, 2. Explanations of Conformity, 3. Sherif's (1935) Conformity Experiment ...13Decks204Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology Paper 1 (Liv)
Psychology Paper 1 (Liv)
By: Liv McCarthy
Conformity, Asch's Line Variation Study, Zimbardo's Prison Study ...29Decks348Flashcards1Learner -
By: Arthur Crumley
Conformity - Types and Explanations, Conformity - Asch's Research, Conformity to Social Roles - Zimbardo ...32Decks538Flashcards4Learners -
Psychology, Chapter 1: Social Influence
Psychology, Chapter 1: Social Influence
By: Emily Hustwick
Conformity: Types and explanations, Conformity: Asch's research, Conformity to social roles: Zimbardo's research ...10Decks237Flashcards3Learners -
A-Level Psychology (Social Psychology)
A-Level Psychology (Social Psychology)
By: Aaron Santhosh
STUDY PREP - 21/11/23, Social Psychology, Asch's Study ...13Decks176Flashcards2Learners -
By: Rachael Adeosun
social influence conformity, social influence Asch's research (procedures), social influence Asch's variations ...24Decks164Flashcards2Learners -
Social Influence
Social Influence
By: Camran Gangarh
Lessons 1-2 - Types and explanations for conformity, Lessons 3-4 - Sherif and Asch's studies and Asch's variations, Lesson 5 - Zimbardo and Conformity to Social Roles ...8Decks94Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology paper 1
Psychology paper 1
By: Anna Spragg
types of conformity SI, SPE -conformity SI, Asch's research - conformity SI ...37Decks498Flashcards3Learners -
Psychology(Social Influence)
Psychology(Social Influence)
By: Zakariye Abdullaahi
Types/Explanations of conformity, Research into conformity(Asch), Conformity to social roles ...10Decks103Flashcards1Learner -
A level Psychology Paper 1- Social Influence
A level Psychology Paper 1- Social Influence
By: Aji Awa Badjie
Types of and explanations of conformity, Research into conformity (Asch and Zimbardo), Research into obidience ...11Decks134Flashcards1Learner -
psychology module 1- social influence
psychology module 1- social influence
By: char s
Asch's study, Types and explanations of conformity, Conformity to social roles and Zimbardo's study ...5Decks87Flashcards1Learner -
By: Reegan Harrison
Conformity: Types and Explanations, Conformity: Asch's Research, Conformity to Social Roles: Zimbardo's Research ...10Decks220Flashcards1Learner -
social influences
social influences
By: Suhyr Maki
explanations of conformity, Asch's research., zimbardo's research ...7Decks78Flashcards1Learner -
By: Milly Greenbank
ATTATCHMENT- animal studies (Harlow and Lorenz), ATTACHMENT scahfferes stages of attachment essay plan, APPROACHES- Social learning theory ...45Decks971Flashcards1Learner -
Psychology - Social Conformity
Psychology - Social Conformity
By: Megan G
Types Of Conformity, Explantions Of Conformity, Asch Study ...10Decks122Flashcards4Learners -
Social Influence
Social Influence
By: Beatrice Hampton
Coformity, Zimbardos Social Roles, Asch's Research ...9Decks83Flashcards2Learners -
psychology-social influence
psychology-social influence
By: holly kunigiskis
types of conformity, asch study, zimbardos study ...9Decks107Flashcards1Learner -
Psych paper 1
Psych paper 1
By: Ruby Chetts
Psychopathology- definitions of abnormality, Psychopathology- Genetic explanation for OCD, Pychopathology- Neural explanation for OCD ...32Decks822Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology - Social influences
Psychology - Social influences
By: Annie Chandler
Conformity - Asch's research, Conformity - Types and Explanations, Conformity to Social Roles - Zimbardo's Research ...10Decks295Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology (year 1)
Psychology (year 1)
By: Stephanie JERVIS
RESEARCH METHODS (definitions) - Year 1, Origins of Psychology - APPROACHES, Behaviourist Approach - APPROACHES ...52Decks1,003Flashcards34Learners -
Social Influence
Social Influence
By: Zayd Imran
Types of Conformity, Explanations for Conformity, Key Studies in Conformity ...13Decks241Flashcards1Learner -
Social Influence
Social Influence
By: 8A Beth Proud
Types Of Conformity, Variables Affecting Conformity-Asch’s Research-AO1, Explanations For Conformity AO1 ...13Decks90Flashcards1Learner