This class was created by Brainscape user Ruby Chetts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Psychopathology- definitions of abnormality
What does statistical infrequency...,
Evaluation stat infrequency,
Evaluation for stat infrequency
37  cards
Psychopathology- Genetic explanation for OCD
Genetic evidence has found that _...,
_______ et al 2000 found that fir...,
According to nedstadt first degre...
23  cards
Pychopathology- Neural explanation for OCD
What area of the brain can the am...,
Where does the ofc relay messages...,
What does the caudate nucleus usu...
17  cards
Psychopathology- Bio treatments for OCD
Why are ssris used to treat ocd,
How to ssris work to alleviate sy...,
By blocking the transportation of...
13  cards
Psychopathology- cognitive explanations for depression
What does the cognitive approach ...,
What did beck three parts did bec...,
What did beck say people with dep...
28  cards
Psychopathology- Cognitive treatments for depression
What does cbt aim to tackle simul...,
What is the time period of cbt,
What time frame does cbt focus on
24  cards
Psychopathology- acquisition of phobias
What did mowrer propose,
What does classical conditioning ...,
If someone was to have a phobia o...
15  cards
Psychopathology- treatment of phobias
Who developed systematic desensit...,
What is a fear hierarchy,
What is the first step of sd
22  cards
Approaches- origins of psychology
0  cards
Approaches- origins of psych
Which of the following 3 statemen...,
What approach did wundt use,
What technique did wundt use
20  cards
Memory- MSM
What is duration,
What is encoding,
What is capacity
58  cards
Memory- WMM
How many components make up the wmm,
What are the components in the wmm,
Who came up with the wmm
39  cards
Memory- types of LTM
What are procedural memories,
What do procedural memories not i...,
Where are procedural memories stored
22  cards
Memory- comparing the MSM and WMM
The wmm suggests that short term ...,
The msm suggests that stm is unit...,
Both the wmm and msm suggest that...
5  cards
Memory- explanations of forgetting
What is interference theory,
Is interference new or old info,
What is proactive interference
22  cards
Memory- leading questions, post event discusion, anxiety
If you witness a crime and then y...,
How can conformity link to inaccu...,
How can repeat interviewing effec...
35  cards
Memory- improving accuracy of EWT, cognitive interview
Who developed the cognitive inter...,
What are the 4 parts of the ci,
What is context reinstatement
19  cards
Attachment- infant interactions in humans
What is attachment,
What is interactional synchrony,
What is reciprocity
17  cards
Attachment- animal studies of attachment
What is imprinting,
What are the consequences of impr...,
What was the aim of lorenz s rese...
41  cards
Attachment- Stages of attachment (Schaffer and Emerson)
What type of study was schaffers,
What type of observation did scha...,
How often were the infants observed
21  cards
Attachment- multiple attachments and role of father
How has modern society changed in...,
Mothers are far more likely to wo...,
What are the three mediating fact...
12  cards
Attachment- monotropic theory of attachment
What is the key idea behind the m...,
Monotropic attachment is,
What is an innate drive when refe...
17  cards
Attachment- learning theory
What does this theory revolve around,
What is positive reinforcement,
What is negative reinforcement
12  cards
Attachment- Ainsworth strange situation and cultural variations
Who were the participants in the ss,
How many situations were standard...,
How did the observer record the c...
48  cards
Attachment- Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation
What is maternal deprivation,
What four things does the theory ...,
What is affectionless psychopathy
20  cards
Attachment- effects of institutionalisation
What is institutionalisation,
What is privatisation,
What is deprivation
24  cards
Social Influence- obedience
What is the definition of obedience,
What is destructive obedience,
What is the germans are different...
72  cards
Social influence- conformity
What is conformity,
What is compliance,
What is identification
53  cards
Social influence- resistance to social influence
What is rsi,
What of asch s pts resisted on ev...,
What of milgram s pts resisted on...
17  cards
Social influence- minority influence
What is meant by minority influence,
What three factors are really imp...,
What are the 2 types of consistency
17  cards
Social influence- social change processes
Social change occurs when,
Methods that have been used to br...,
How did the suffragettes create s...
11  cards
Asch, Zimbardo and Milgram
Asch s aim,
Asch s sample,
Asch s procedure
41  cards

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psych paper 1

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