This class was created by Brainscape user Sourav Bose. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

Alimentary and Paraalimentary Tract Embryology
The process of embryonic folding ...,
The continuity between the lumen ...,
The gut tube is surround by deriv...
102  cards
Gross Anatomy of the Alimentary Tract
The only ectoderm lined portions ...,
Point that marks division between...,
Point that marks midgut hindgut d...
61  cards
Gross Histology of Alimentary Tract
Lamina propria,
Muscularis mucosae,
3 components of gi mucosa
41  cards
GI Anatomy Lab
The pathologic retrograde movemen...,
What normally prevents gerd,
A ______ hernia involves movement...
7  cards
Esophageal Pathophysiology
3 functions of esophagus,
What does the upper esophageal sp...,
3 muscles of esophageal sphincter
76  cards
Physiology of Gastric Acid Secretion and Acid Peptic Disorder/Peptic Ulcer Disease
Does not being able to make acid ...,
What product is produced by the c...,
What product is produced by the c...
92  cards
Pharm: Acid Peptic Drugs
T f pud can involve any of the up...,
Which cell layer is involved in pud,
What kind of receptor is the hist...
49  cards
Esophageal and Gastric Pathology
What kind of cells line the esoph...,
What are the bridges one sees on ...,
What kind of cell lines the fetal...
112  cards
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Pathology
Are atresias and stenoses more co...,
Esophageal atresia occurs most of...,
85 90 of atresias have a _______ ...
46  cards
Radiology UGI Pathology
T f gerd is a consequence of sust...,
Most common cause of ulcers in es...,
Most common cause of opportunisti...
27  cards
Normal Gastric Motility, Gastric Dysmotility
Neuronal action for stomach storage,
Neuron action for stomach accomod...,
What is the gastric pacemaker and...
29  cards
Normal Physiology Small Bowel and Colon
What is the mode of primary motil...,
What is the gastroileal reflex,
What is the intrinsic reflex arc
65  cards
Pathophysiology of Acute Diarrhea and Absorption
Increased volume and weight of da...,
Diarrhea can result when the maxi...,
T f reduction of net water absorp...
27  cards
Infectious Diarrhea - You're better off memorizing the lists of bugs off the powerpoint.
Dx criteria for evaluation of dia...,
4 virulence factors for bacteria ...,
Cholera toxin a
70  cards
Normal/Abnormal Small Bowel/Colon IBD
What are m cells,
In what layer of the bowel do inf...,
An out pouching of the distal sma...
52  cards
Tutorial Cases
Most patients with celiac disease...,
How are tcells activated in celia...,
Criteria for dx of celiac disease
25  cards
IBD Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
Uc crohn s difference in epi,
To what degree does crohn s run i...,
What is the main gene implicated ...
44  cards
Obesity and Surgical Management
Why does bmi matter,
What must be required before cons...,
Requirements for bariatric surgery
18  cards
Other GI Tumors
What kind of cells make up serosa,
Smooth muscle tumors of gi tract,
Most common mesenchymal tumor of ...
83  cards
GI Cancers Small Bowel
2 most common malignant epithelia...,
T f most neuroendocrine tumors ar...,
Risk factors for adenocarcinoma i...
46  cards
Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Diverticulitis
4 categories of ibs,
Ibs epi
45  cards
Food Allergy and Oral Tolerance
Symptoms of allergic reaction,
How many americans have food alle...,
Which food allergies do children ...
25  cards
Dilemmas in Pediatric Nutrition
Role of vitamin c,
Signs and symptoms of rickets,
Vitamin d activation
5  cards
Colon Cancer
What is an aberrant crypt focus,
What is the most common trigger o...,
What is the most common trigger t...
20  cards
Pharmacologic Treatment of Motility
Cardinal sign of achalasia,
2 approaches to treating esophage...,
Tx for achalasia
18  cards
Gross Anatomy of the Paraalimentary Tract
What kind of gland is the parotid,
What is the primary enzyme in the...,
What nerve provides p s innervati...
28  cards
Histology of the Paraalimetary Tract
Serous or mucinous parotid,
Serous or mucinous sublingual,
Serous or mucinous submucosa of n...
30  cards
Physiology of the Pancreas
What cells in the pancreas secret...,
Do islet hormones have an influen...,
Functions of exocrine secretions ...
39  cards
Neoplastic States of the Pancreas and Gallbladder
At what spinal level is the pancreas,
80 of pancreatic tumors are of wh...,
M or f adenocarcinoma
54  cards
What is acute pancreatitis,
Severe acute pancreatitis will no...,
Clinical features of acute pancre...
37  cards
Radiology Liver/Pancreas/Gallbladder
0  cards
Liver Pathology and Patterns of Injury
Chronic liver injuries lead to _____,
How does a liver respond to acute...,
Key feature of cirrhosis
30  cards
Inherited Metabolic Liver Disease
A blockage of bile flow presents ...,
How high must bilirubin be to qua...,
How is unconjugated bilirubin tra...
36  cards
Fatty Liver Disease
T f histologically alcohol and no...,
Spectrum of alcohol liver disease,
How much alcohol is too much
22  cards
Acute and Chronic Hepatitis
Most common cause of viral hepatitis,
Transmission of hepa,
T f hepa is highly resistant to d...
45  cards
Bile and Bile Salts
80 of bilirubin comes from ____,
Unconjugated bilirubin is polar n...,
How is insoluble unconjugated bil...
47  cards
Disease of the Biliary Tree
M f gallstones,
How do you know something is a st...
24  cards
Liver Pathology II Cholestatic and Neoplastic
2 etiologies of zone 3 fibrosis,
3 complications of cirrhosis,
Histologic findings of cholestasis
21  cards
Complications of End Stage Liver Disease
Portal venous system pressure cal...,
Two capillary beds of the portal ...,
Hallmarks of end stage liver disease
25  cards
Liver Disease Cases
Ast alt 500 3000 indicates,
Ast alt 500 3000 indicates,
Ast alt 5 10000 indicates
33  cards
Liver Tumors and Liver Transplantation
Most common indications for trans...,
Breakeven point for meld score,
T f there are some exceptions to ...
8  cards
Hepatobiliary Pharmacology
T f hepc viral rna dependent rnap...,
Most common hcv genotype in us,
Of people with acute phase who wi...
34  cards
Oral Pathology
In what conditions can we find ul...,
In what conditions can we find to...,
In what conditions can we find pi...
23  cards

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g.i & nutrition

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