This class was created by Brainscape user Miles Sanderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (57)

1.1.1 Anterior Abdominal Wall and Abdominal Cavity
What lies superficial to the muscles,
What are the characteristics of,
What is the location of the 8 pla...
70  cards
1.1.2 Introduction to Clinical Skills of the Abdomen
0  cards
1.2.1 GI Lab Values and GI Tract Organs I
What is the sympathetic nerve of ...,
What makes up the,
What is pyrosis
20  cards
1.2.2 GI Tract Organs II
How do the circular folds of the ...,
What is ileus,
What are the portions of the larg...
38  cards
1.2.3 Basic Organization of Cell Tissues of GI Tract
What is this an image of,
What are some methods of stimulat...,
Camp does what to the cftr channel
26  cards
1.3.1 Gastric Secretion
Identify what is the white arrowh...,
What do each of these endrocrine,
What are two inhibitors of acid s...
40  cards
1.3.2 Epithelial Cell Structure and Function in the GI Tract
Identify the letters,
What is a safer and more convenie...,
Name 3
32  cards
1.3.3 GI Tract Organs III
What are the major fissures on th...,
Is the spleen palpable,
What are the key proximity charac...
52  cards
1.4.1 GI Vasculature, Lymphatics, and ANS
What vertebral level is the celia...,
Name the unpaired and paired arte...,
What vertebral level is the sma at
38  cards
1.4.2 Carbohydrate Metabolism
What can be the symptoms of galac...,
What is lactose intolerance,
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase...
49  cards
1.4.3 Nutrient Assimilation
Na dependent absorption of glucos...,
What are the requirements for opt...,
Where are the different breakdown...
42  cards
1.5.1 Gastrointestinal Motility and Dysmotility I
What is the role of bicarbonate i...,
How does the,
How does the cricopharyngeus muscle
32  cards
1.5.2 Nutrition and Common GI Disorders
What are the two types of fiber a...,
What are some of the possible pat...,
What are some dietary factors tha...
29  cards
1.5.3 Normal Liver Biliary Tract
The liver takes up free,
What side of the hepatocyte,
What is on the left right
16  cards
2.1.1 Metabolism II
Disorder associated with a defect...,
What reactions are mediated by th...,
Describe the arginine metabolism ...
37  cards
2.1.2 Infections of the GI Tract
What is this an image of,
What is this an image of,
How is
35  cards
2.1.3 GI Motility and Dysmotility II
What is secondary peristalsis,
Increased intraabdominal pressure...,
Spasms of the esophagus can have ...
30  cards
2.2.1 Pathology of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency
Kwashiorkor can lead to puffy app...,
Thiamine b1 deficiency can lead to,
What are the characteristics of r...
30  cards
2.2.2+3 Obesity Weight Loss Issues
What is the suggested intensity h...,
What are some of the medical comp...,
What are the bmi classifications
36  cards
2.3.1 Retroperitoneum and Kidneys
Where does the lumbaro,
What is a renal calculi,
Red arrow hint
42  cards
2.3.2 Upper GI Tumors
What is kruken,
What is linitis plastica
26  cards
2.3.3 GI Motility and Dysmotility III
Increases in what will cause the ...,
What are the characteri
38  cards
Formative Quiz 1
A biopsy specimen is sent to a pa...,
What is the biggest distinction b...,
Does the colon have villi
24  cards
2.4.1 Colorectal Tumors
What is the main risk factor for ...,
What are the various indicators o...
48  cards
2.4.2 Metabolism III
What are three of the essential f...,
In what two ways does glucose con...,
What is the significance of
40  cards
2.4.3 Pancreatitis
What is the broad mechanism of pa...,
Chronic pancreatitis is associate...,
24  cards
2.5.1 GI Development
What are the two parts of the ana...,
What acts as the primary axis of ...,
What are the hindgut derived gi s...
46  cards
2.5.2 Gastrointestinal Motility and Dysmotility IV
Describe the coordinated muscle c...,
Describe the process of vomiting ...,
What is the power propulsion in d...
30  cards
2.5.3 Pancreatic Cancer
What is this an image of,
What is this an image of,
What testing must you do to diagn...
18  cards
3.1.1+2 Protective Mechanisms, Inflammatory Bowel Dz (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
A functional disorder absent of h...,
What typically cures uc,
What are some surgical i
62  cards
3.1.3 GI Hormones
What is the oral phase of digestion,
Describe the duodenal phase,
What is the small intestine phase
35  cards
3.2.1 Nutrition and Common GI Disorders
What further evaluation,
Describe the venn diagram that co...,
Based upon report of gi symptoms
37  cards
3.2.2 Esophageal Disorders
What is the basic mechanism of an...,
What is achalasia,
All patients with gerd should ele...
28  cards
3.2.3 Pathology of Liver Injury I
What is this an iamge of,
What is crigler najjar syndrome,
What are the three main causes of...
46  cards
3.3.1 Surgical Approaches to Pancreatic Cancer
What is the most common of pancre...,
What are some of the revasculariz...,
Describe the survival curve
36  cards
3.3.2 Pathology of Liver Injury II
What are these what are they foun...,
Describe the type of virus viral ...
58  cards
3.3.3 Pathophysiology: Liver as a Metabolic Organ
What is a basic criteria to make ...,
What is the kings college criteri...,
What are the two important mutati...
30  cards
3.4.1 Liver Pathology III
What this be,
What this be,
What this be
68  cards
3.4.2 Nutrition in the Elderly
Patients with,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Why is anemia a problem with poor...
21  cards
3.4.3 Nutrition It is a Matter of Public Health
What are the overall impact of fe...,
What is the healthy hunger free k...,
What is health literacy
14  cards
3.5.1 Conventional Radiology
What are the arrows pointing at w...,
Identify these yellow lines,
What is the nickname of the
29  cards
3.5.2 CT and Angiographic Anatomy of the Abdomen
What are the two flavors of ct,
What is the most common approach ...
35  cards
3.5.3 Intro to Hepatocyte Pharmokinetics
How can liver disease effect drug...,
What are the general roles of the...,
How can hepatocytes
21  cards
Disease Review Charts
Fill in this chart,
11  cards
4.1.1 Integrative Metabolism I
Describe how tryptophan can be co...,
Describe the other recycling path...,
What is the key control enzyme in...
42  cards
4.1.2 Cirrhosis: Pathophysiology and Managment
What are the major molecules indi...,
If patiets have abnormal renal fu...,
What is an important anti biotic ...
32  cards
4.1.3 Integrative Metabolism II
What are some of the important,
What types of receptors does thyr...
30  cards
4.2.1 Pathophysiology of Diarrhea
Patient has linear ulceration,
Describe how solute absorption se...
37  cards
4.2.2 Nutrition and Common GI Disorders: Ileus and Nutrient Absorption
What drug does not interfere with...,
What are some of the management m...,
What class of pharmacologics
18  cards
4.2.3 Integrative Metabolism III
What are the symptoms and,
What are incretin molecule and wh...,
What is the role of
17  cards
4.3.3 Treatment of Hep B and C
What are some hbv,
What are some treatment considera...,
35  cards
What is a zenker diverticulum,
How can a zenkers diverticulum pr...,
What is mallory weiss syndrome
57  cards
BRS Physiology
What cells secrete gastrin,
What is the role of gastrin,
What are 3 stimuli for the releas...
40  cards
Netter's Anatomy Review
What are the covered parts,
What are the covered parts,
What are the covered parts
12  cards
Fatty Acid Metabolism Disorders
What are the clinical symptoms of...,
What is the deficient enzyme in t...,
What are the clinical symptoms of...
10  cards
High Yield
The round ligament of teres was e...,
The median umbilical fold houses ...,
The medial umbilical fold houses
57  cards
Cellular Diagrams
Describe the regulation of the pa...,
Draw the breakdown pathway of bil...,
Draw a diagram of
17  cards

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gi and nutrition

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