This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy Stewart. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What are hormones,
Define and describe the cns,
Give two recreational drugs
7  cards
eveloution and genetics
What is evolution,
What other ao1 evidence can you g...,
What is eea
17  cards
the brain
What four areas of the brain are ...,
What is the prefrontal cortex,
Give the function of the amygdala
7  cards
classic study bio
What is the biological classic study,
What was raine et als aim,
How many particpants where their
15  cards
What was bredgens aim,
What was brendan sample,
How many where monozygotic
9  cards
twin studies
Who did twin studies,
What are monozygotic twins,
What are dizygotic twins
3  cards
adoption studies
What is an adoptive triad,
What does a twin studie allow us ...,
What where level et al s findings...
14  cards
What is the main assumption of th...,
What are the four main assumption...
2  cards
CNS and recreational drugs
What is the role of the cns,
What is further detail on nerve i...,
What does the cns include
7  cards
scanning and eval
What are the three barin scanning...,
Describe a pet scan,
Describe a pet scan
14  cards
key question
What is the biological key question,
What is the structure of a key qu...,
What are the four ao1 points
5  cards
psychodynamic expliation of behaviour
Who theorised the psycodynamic ex...,
Give a general over view of the p...,
What are the three elements of ps...
6  cards
Describe the two ways ein wich dr...,
Give two examples of these drugs,
What else do drugs do
4  cards

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bio psychology

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