psychology: biopsychology (aqa)

This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Lunk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The Divisions of the Nervous System
What does the nervous system do,
How does the nervous system contr...,
What else does the nervous system...
27  cards
The Structure and Function of Sensory, Relay and Motor Neurons
Sensory neurons carry nerve impul...,
Sensory neurons what are the sens...,
Sensory neurons where do these ne...
14  cards
The Process of Synaptic Transmission
Neurons typically consist of,
Nerves are surrounded by a,
A myelin sheath allows for
22  cards
The Function of the Endocrine System
How does the endocrine system del...,
Major glands include,
The hypothalamus receives informa...
11  cards
Fight or Flight
1 the amygdala detects a threat,
2 the amygdala sends a,
3 the hypothalamus communicates w...
17  cards
Biological Rhythms
What is a biological rhythm,
What is a biological rhythm,
What is a biological rhythm
40  cards
Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zietgebers
What are endogenous pacemakers,
What is the suprachiasmatic nuclei,
Where does the scn in the hypotha...
46  cards
Infredian and Ultradian Rhythms
Infradian rhythms,
Circadian rhythms,
Circadian rhythms examples
32  cards
Hemispheric Lateralisation and Split Brain Function
Hemispheric lateralisation refers...,
If the two halfs of the brain are...,
How are the two sides of the brai...
28  cards
Localisation of Brain Function
What does localisation of brain f...,
What is localisation of brain fun...,
Examples of cortical specialisati...
29  cards
Plasticity and Functional Recovery of the Brain after Trauma
What is neural plasticity is the ...,
During infancy the brain,
At what age does the brain peak i...
24  cards
Ways of Investigating the Brain
0  cards

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psychology: biopsychology (aqa)

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